Evan McKay So assassin’s creed black flag is….not that bad! As much as I want to hate Ubisoft for pushing this re-hashed seaweed on me; sadly I cannot. Playing through the first 3 hours of the game as this review is being written, I laughed a lot! The game is so silly and the novelty of how easy the game is and how much of an invincible bad-ass Edward (the protagonist) is, really is the only thing this game has left. All I did for 3 hours was run around Havana on a killing rampage collecting sea shanty sheet music, and finding not so secret manuscripts (‘cause they are all on the map and you can target them so its impossible not to find them)and tho fun view point things you climb and the camera spins around. It was kinda funny! Killing people savagely and watching them die in the silliest poses! Which with the wonder of the PS4 controller you can upload screen-shots to twitter and Facebook in less then 5 seconds! I know I sound sick but if it wasn't for how silly this game is it would be soooooooooo bad!
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