Evan McKay The Consumer Electronics Show is alive and kicking this weekend inLas Vegas, and the stuff coming out of there is looking pretty crazy!!! Li-Fi, curved 77” HDTV, steam boxes, and Sony streaming game service in 720P! THIS SHIT IS INTENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() The first on my list from CES is Li-Fi, which stands for “light fidelity.” This means it uses visible light to transmit data instead of radio signals which is what the Wi-Fi we all know and love uses. So from what I've been reading, these new Li-Fi devices will be capable of getting 250 Gigabytes per second! That is so super crazy fast it’s scary! Another point to note about this, is the first smartphone with this tech installed is going to be unveiled this weekend. It uses these light waves not only for data transmission, but also converts them into energy! So data transmission will take up no battery power, thus super extending the proverbial shit out of your battery life! There are some alleged down sides however. Although you do not need a direct line of light and can even exchange data off reflected light, it will not work through walls. Meaning the range will be much shorter and signal strength might be less reliable when working with reflected light, which is not as well as direct light. It is also going to be expensive to install, but I have a feeling the price on that will come down. Let’s end it on a high note here! The light transmission is totally safe to use on planes, in hospitals, and in nuclear power plants.
Last on my selective list, Sony would like to return the PWN and dropped a big announcement at CES 2014. They have starting discussing the details of “PlayStation Now,” which is a video game streaming service like Netflix, except solely for video games. You will be able to stream PS3 games in 720P to every sony device, even Bravia TVs. That is amazing to me; you can just stream PS3 games directly to your TV without having a console!!! That is bad ass!. The service will also have a rental feature so you do not need a subscription if you only just want to play games like the last of us, like me. The only mystery is the price… We know the beta will be starting in June and I cannot wait to see this up and running on my PS4.
There were many more CES 2014 treasures than I possibly begin to discuss. Get yr google on, and get ready to get your nerdy mind blown!!! Keep PWNING YA’ LL!!!!! |
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