Evan Mckay Back last summer, I got bamboozled into buying "Might and Magic X Legacy." I say bamboozled because little did I know that it was in "early access" at that time which meant "shell of a game". I have talked about this before and I think that "early access" is complete bullshit. Just release a finished project! That being said.... The "full release" was just made available a couple of weeks ago, and I finally sat down to play this latest installment of the most classic, weird, fantasy RPG. I admit it. It is addicting!!! This game is very classic. Might and Magic has always been a very nerdy, old school PC-gamer IP. It is great. No, I have not played all ten editions of the game. But, I have very fond memories of 5,6,7, and my dad yelling at me to go outside as I would play those games for hours. It is a first person game where you have four character's portraits at the bottom of the screen. So, essentially it is a first person four character game. The game is real time while you explore but once a hostile creature has detected, you it enter turn based gaming. The movement is set as a tile system which certainly simplifies things, but it looks funny when the bad guys on the adjacent tile have to side step over for a turn to attack you. A shuffle here a shuffle there, and you are in the business of bloody melee. The game is very retro. There is even an option to turn on "Retro Pixelation". (I have not touched that option.) But none-the-less, the spirit of the game is obviously supposed to be a kick back to the days of old, and I am not buying that. Yes, the combat is well designed. Yes, I cannot put it down because of the new "warrior" hard mode. But, I am not buying that concept. I think this "retro" idea is a way for them to make a half-ass game. Here's my reasoning: Ubisoft is massive. Why didn't they make a gigantic epic like Skyrim. Those game gave me that sense of a giant world of epicness just like Morrowind did. It should be a fully rendered no tile necessary game. Might and Magic 9 came out in 2002. That is a long time! My very optimistic guess is that this throwback-style game might be a little exploration into this IP to see if they can make a neoclassic, giant open world game. The world has all the setting and mythology to do it, so.... Give me a game already!!!!!!!!!!! |
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