Yes, friends, I'm taking a Christmas holiday -- and I mean "holiday" in the British sense. I'll be taking the next few weeks off from The 'Broad'Cast to rehearse for and perform in a fantastic production of "A Christmas Carol" at the Hanover Theatre in Worcester, MA. It's my fifth year with the production and it's become just as much a part of my holiday traditions as trimming the tree and drinking nog. So, while you won't have any new 'Broad'Casts, you can follow what's happening during my rehearsals by visiting this lovely blog, updated by my cast mates and me. So for now, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I'll see you later in December.
In this week's episode:
Deborah Norville from "Inside Edition" Providence is the best? The full run down of "America's Favorite Cities" Mitik, the baby walrus, survives Sandy The Ostrich Pillow -- ![]() After yesterday's whirlwind Election Day coverage, I can't bring myself to make an episode of The 'Broad'Cast that hammers home the ins and outs of electoral college votes, democratic rule over the state and mismanaged mail ballots. Instead, I leave you with this colorful photo of a harlequin shrimp, some encouragement to watch my older episodes (especially the Halloween one) and a promise that I'll be back next week. Enjoy your Wednesday, folks. -Kim SPECIAL HALLOWEEN EPISODE!
In this episode of The BroadCast: Brown University student calls Sandy a Government Conspiracy (at :30) The hottest Halloween costumes 44 Plays for 44 Presidents Global warming and extreme weather How YOU can cancel Halloween Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite A new, SHORTER format. What do you think?
In this episode of The BroadCast: Ali Stroker on her life as a performer Unregistered? You can still VOTE for Prez RED at The Gamm Get 'Infected' E-Books put cash in your pocket Screaming Canadians ![]() Hello Friends! As you're all aware, The 'Broad'Cast is an ever-changing, new endeavor for me. So here's the plan: instead of coming to you twice a week, I'm sticking to the once a week format. Look for new episodes on Wednesday evenings! Also, I'm looking to streamline the show even more, which means chopping it down from just under five minutes to around two. Is it possible? I don't know, but I'm going to find out! Remember to tell your friends, subscribe and, of course, follow me on Twitter @KimKalunian. In this episode of The BroadCast:
District 30 Senatorial candidates -- (coming soon) My review of "Legally Blonde: The Musical" Interview with "Lungs" playwright Duncan MacMillan Review of "Lungs" Pit bull police ![]() Hello Friends! I've got a couple of crazy week coming up, so that means The BroadCast will have a slightly altered schedule -- one show per week coming out on Wednesdays. Sound good? Good. Check back here tomorrow for this week's episode, and then again on October 17! Oh, and while you're here, check out this sweet shot of me and the incomparable co-host of Boobstock, Kevin Willette, hamming it up with the Bob Head. |
Kim Kalunian's