Live Tuesdays 6pm
GGGG Hosted by Evan McKay
Nerd extraordinaire lends his expertise, insight and news with the masses each week on GG. ![]() ![]() Pilot - 1/16/14 - Before the nerds can get down to hardcore nerd news, The Most Dangerous Men Alive stop by for a Q&A and a live performance. The band is competing in the Perform at The Midday Social Competition.
Last Time On GGEp #22 7/23/14 It may be hot outside, but the only thing that's burning Evan is how Blizzard is cheating its customers with their evil ways. Plus joining him and Crystal on the phones is their longtime friend and costume designer Hannah Biotic as she gets ready for San Diego Comic Con.
GG ArchivesEp #21 7/16/14 On a muggy and wet day, Evan and Crystal's thoughts are on San Diego Comic Con as the two talk about the upcoming event with their producer. Plus the trio talk about the big bombshell Marvel has dropped since they killed off Captain America. Tune in and find out what happened.
Ep #20 7/9/14 The summer is heating up and so are Evan and Crystal on GG. Joining them in studio is James Searles of Manicore Games as the get their Marvel on with the upcoming new movie Guardians of the Galaxy. Throw in a little D & D and some funky beats and you got yourself a good time here on GG.
Ep #19 7/2/14 Evan and Crystal get invaded with a pleuthora of guests. First they have on James Searles of Manicore Games. Then they step it up with the Director (Chris Haifley) and Producer (Andrew Pascal) of their movie production The Great Kingdom, the origins of D & D.
Ep #18 6/25/14 Although gaming news is slow, that won't stop Evan and Crystal. The two go into the trading card game world with some heavy My Little Ponies and Pathfinder talk, much to the chagrin of their producer. All this and more on GG.
Ep #17 6/18/14 The heat must be getting to Evan as he delves into some World Cup talk and I don't mean the video game either. But all jokes aside, him and Crystal delve into the realm of video games as well as Game of Thrones. All this and more on GG
Ep #16 6/11/14 - Both Evan and Crystal are still abuzz about all the action and game previews from E3. Joining them is Greg their Nintendo correspondent as well as Comic's Corner Kenny Nardozza. Check it out and get your gamer one!
Ep #15 6/4/14 -Evan and Crystal talk about the upcoming video game event E3 and are joined by Anthony Teth to discuss Anthony's upcoming event, Necronomicon.
Ep #14 5/28/14 -Evan and Crystal talk with Multiverse Comic owners Brandon Amorin and Ryan Farley about Marvel Comic Movies and Little Pony Trading Card Game
Ep #13 5/21/14 -Evan and Crystal talk about their experience in North Carolina, what's happening in the Marvel Universe on TV and Box Office, video game news, and My Little Pony Trading Card Game Talk with Joe Harrington of Manicore Gaming Store
Ep #12 5/14/14 - Game of Thrones talk, New Godzilla movie, Dan Martin talks about upcoming show 'Game On'
Ep # 11 5/7/14 - Marvel: Agents of Shield, Marvel movie reviews: Captain America 2 & The Amazing Spiderman 2, Dip talks video game tourney "Press Start"& Pax East
EP#10 3/26/14 The experts discuss Oculus Rift on Facebook, corrupt Senators trying to take away video games, Infamous Son on the PS4, Final Fantasy VI on the iPhone, and many more.
EP#9 3/18/14 The experts discuss Pax 2014 & Agents of Shield
Ep #8 3/11/14 Another week in the nerd world, topics of discussion include, Watchdogs, Star craft II & Game of Thrones.
Ep #7 Evan welcomes Advance ESO Correspondent Phillip Kerr
Episode #6 2/25/14 - Beside the usual nerd banter, the experts welcome Renee the official GG Heroes correspondent.
![]() Ep #3 2/18/14 - Evan reviews RoboCop and welcomes guest Vincent Venturella from Venture Games.
![]() Ep #2 1/18/14 - Evan & Crystal talk all things gaming, from creation to reviews. Joined by experts in the field, the dynamic duo get informed on LOK & more.