The Car Grumps #7 12/1/20- On this episode, Primo and CaddiMatt will be discussing a controversial topic to many. For some street racing stirs visions of video game like antics performed on desolate city streets, glamorized by movies and social media coverage alike. To others it's a way of life that is no more dangerous than walking to the corner store. Some of these back-street drivers play with big money on handshake rules for titles that will last for only a night. A perfect example of a system based on "what have you done for me lately" as each night they defend their imaginary crowns. Some have even made this insanity a career. The question is, is this as wide-spread and dangerous as it's made out to be? We'll try and answer all these questions and debunk some of the claims. The Car Grumps also talk with Chris Rankin, leader of Team Northeast from the show Street Outlaws on the Discovery Channel. Chris has made it a profession to take his world record holding 2,350 hp Chrysler Conquest down streets and strips to prove he's the fastest. Chris has taken what many do as a hobby and shown how far it can actually go and we'll ask him where that finish line is... if there ever is one. It's going to be fast, it's going to be heated, and most of all it's going to be grumpy. Don't be left behind. Hit Play to ListenClick Here
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