The WWE is a marketing machine, and over the years they have churned out many superstars that are still held in high regard around the world today. Hulkamania was arguably what kick started the WWF, as it was originally called, back in the early 80s.
After Hulkamania, there was a steady stream of pro wrestlers that captivated the world none more so than the Ultimate Warrior, Hogan’s foe for several years. What the WWE did with him was nothing short of miraculous; they took someone with hardly any wrestling ability whatsoever and turned him into a global icon. How? Because WWE’s marketing team are the best in the business. Warrior had the chiseled physique, the outfit and the aura that a champion needs, but he also had major holes in his game. You only have to reference the WWE’s Hall of Fame to see the illustrious list of names that wrestling’s number one promotion has built into global megastars. Only last year, we saw the likes of the aforementioned Ultimate Warrior, Lita and the troubled Jake the Snake Roberts get inducted. And every year or so, new contenders are considered for induction, such as the Undertaker when he finally hangs his gloves up. The cycles will always be visible in the WWE; recently we’ve seen the CM Punk era, the John Cena tenure, the Brock Lesnar reemergence and now seemingly we have the WWE’s latest superstars they are building from the ground up: Seth Rollins.
Rollins saw his debut as part of the formidable Shield comprising of himself, ex-football player Roman Reigns and the wildly entertaining Dean Ambrose. Wrestling fans took to the trio quickly and they soon began to make an impression ascending on seasoned pros like rabid wolves. When the trio broke up and vowed never to work together again, it was left to the WWE to build one of two stars: Reigns or Rollins?
So far, the WWE couldn’t have been more steadfast in their decision. Rollins is the current WWE champion, and although the battle between Lesnar and Taker is taking center stage at present, Lesnar’s so-called impenetrable streak could come to an end if Rollins is put in front of The Beast anytime soon.
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