Allan Giberti A little more than two weeks from now, Americans will head to the polls and cast their vote for who they want to be the next President of the United States. So, with Election Day right around the corner and when you consider everything that has happened in just 2020 alone, why are we still hearing about the “undecided voters”? The notion that some Americans are not quite sure who they’re voting for this close to an election may have been common in previous elections, including the 2016 election. This election, however, is nothing like elections past and I find it extremely hard to believe that there are hordes of undecided American voters out there just waiting to be convinced as to who to vote for. I’ve known who I’m going to be voting for since 2016. All of my friends, family and friends’ family all know who they’ll be casting their ballot for, regardless of which side of the aisle they sit on. It’s a choice of voting for President Trump or not voting for President Trump, that’s what this race has come down to. For many liberal Democrats, making the choice as to who to vote for simply boils down to anyone but Trump, which coincidentally also happens to be the real Democrat platform. I know what President Trump and the Republican Party is running on. In fact, it really hasn’t changed from what he ran on in 2016 either. We believe in American exceptionalism; that we are all created equal; that we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We believe that the U.S. Constitution is our enduring document and not a flexible one and believe in limited government, separation of powers, personal responsibility, peace through strength and secured borders. Like I said, it’s not much different than the 2016 platform. But what is it that the Democrats are fighting for? Now, to be fair, I will concede that at the core, the Democrat 2020 platform has the same framework as their 2016 platform, rabble rousing through fear mongering. As you may recall, it was the Democrats in 2016 who told us that if, then candidate Donald Trump won he would “roll back the clock” on women’s rights, gay rights and abortion. According to the Democrats, not only were you already a victim but if Donald Trump became the President of the United States of America, you'll be an even bigger victim than before. Wrong. Women’s rights haven’t been rolled back and all across America, men with empty stomachs have been waiting for a damn sammich since January 20, 2017. The truth is the exact opposite took place. President Trump and his administration has worked with countries around the world to advance equal rights for women and here at home, women’s unemployment reached record lows. In July of 2019, President Trump launched the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity initiative with the goal of empowering 50 million women across the world by 2025. This year the State Department announced that the initiative had already reached 12 million women globally. Regardless of how the liberal LGBT activists try to spin it, not one single right has been taken away from the LGBT community and I am certainly not writing this from any of the “concentration camps” they said President Trump would throw us in. President Trump was the first US President to support gay marriage and the LGBT community going into the White House. Since then, he appointed several openly gay individuals to high positions in his administration as well as on the bench. He has been working to end the criminalization of homosexuality worldwide and to finally put an end to AIDS. The homophobia is overwhelming. Now before you even try to come at me with one of the many tired, old and worn out articles about the zillion times the bad orange man has lied and hurt the LGBT community, don’t bother. They’ve been debunked a long time ago but hey, if you want me to talk about it and listen to me repeat myself, feel free to call into the show and I’ll be happy to discuss it. The doomsday Democrat prognosticators told us if Donald Trump was elected, the only abortions that will be performed would have to be done illegally in back alleys. Yet here we are with the “codification” of Roe v Wade which has morphed into legalizing extreme late term abortions. The fact is none of the things the Democrats told you in 2016 would happen didn’t, but let’s not dwell on that. It isn’t important because now, now the shit is real. If Donald Trump gets reelected, he will “roll back the clock” on women’s rights, gay rights and abortion. Are you stupid? The Democrats have been all about Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett and how her SCOTUS vote will rip open the first seal of the Social Justice Apocalypse. For a week we listened to Democrat senators ask ACB questions about hypothetical scenarios spun from twisted facts and outright lies and things that are easily fact checked. The Democrats knew ACB’s response would be that she could not answer those types of questions, so why do it? Because it was an opportunity for the Democrats to push their narrative, stump for Joe Biden, instill fear and hatred among the American people and try to divide us even further. That would make the Democrats 2020 platform exactly the same as 2016 only this time more intense. You were a victim before President Trump, you were victimized even more under President Trump and if he gets elected, you’ll be uber victimized. They will finally end fracking and the use of fossil fuels. I think. They’ve flipped on that several times in the past month. No on fracking, yes on fracking back to no on fracking to maybe some fracking. At least Biden supported the Green New Deal until he didn’t and if you’re wondering if he supports packing the courts and ending the filibuster, you don’t deserve to know. At least until November 2nd when Sleepy Uncle Joe will finally spill the beans on where he stands. We all know the answer and they think you’re to stupid to figure it out. I seriously doubt a big reveal by Biden the day before the election is going to send hoards of undecided voters his way. Two weeks to go and what have we got? We have a President up for reelection who’s 2016 campaign promises vaulted him to the White House where he delivered on those promises against a candidate whose promises are as confusing as he is. A presidential candidate backed by the Democrat party who managed to get the last four years completely wrong. What’s to be undecided about? Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern Read More 990WBOB |