Ed Doyle Bob Dylan said it best oh so many years ago… Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call, Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall, For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled, There's a battle outside And it is ragin'. It'll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin'. Still echoing in our minds are the great sound bites of our past such as “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” and “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall”, but in this downward spiral our country is headed into we are more likely to remember the sounds of “I am not a crook” and “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” topped off with “What does it matter”. Our soldiers are being told to tiptoe around Musims and that they should learn more about their religion while at the same time being told not display crosses and not to say Merry Christmas. And as for the separation of church and state that our liberal progressives are oh so demanding of… well I guess it depends just what religion is in question. We have terrorists using children as human shields firing rockets from schools and hospitals at innocent people in Israel and instead of standing behind those being attacked our government criticizes those being attacked for defending themselves and trying to put an end to the aggressor terrorist cowards. We have tens of thousands of people that are invading the United States with so much brazen defiance of our country’s laws that they mass in rallies outside of the White House with demands of being part of our law making to have a say in how we enforce our borders with no regard to those that came to this country the right way and have worked hard to become Americans. I guess it’s easier to steal your citizenship than to work for it. The words of Dylan are ever so poignant today. Our nation is dying from a cancer at the top and it is spreading throughout the body of the nation while our senators and congressmen do block up the hall afraid to stand up, afraid to lose a vote. Maybe it’s as simple as pure stupidity and they are in over their heads with no idea what to do or maybe it’s a case of ignorance and greed and they have just sold us all out. Whatever the reason is… There's a battle outside And it is ragin'. It'll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin'.