It's obnoxious and it's everywhere. No matter how much you try to ignore it you can't. I'm speaking of the anti Trump or even pro Trump venomous posts that are firing up even the casual trolls. From vagina costumes to swastikas recent events have lowered the bar for social behavior representing the outward anger of the nation. It doesn't matter which side of he aisle you lean towards it seems all parties are equally pissed off and turning friends into foes and neighbors into enemies. For the good of this country and your sanity I present to you five alternatives to bitching about politics. This week my gift to my fellow colicky citizens is 5 Things Other Than Trump you can sink your hatred into without creating a social enemy. ![]()
5. The Patriots Return To The Big Game
I know I know here in New England what I am about to say is technically considered sacrilegious however I am just plain over it. Perhaps the most arrogant franchise in the history of the NFL outside of New England the Pats are viewed negatively and in some cities even hated. Dubbed as cheaters and pompis most of the country will be routing for the other team. In fact the only thing despised more by me and the nation are Patriot fans. Most are too young or have selective amnesia and don't recall the dark days of Pats history probably because at the time they were to busy routing for the 49ers or Cowboys. But now they scream from the high heaven the greatness of number 12 putting him up on a pedestal normally reserved for immortals. There is no talking to these people. Brady is God and Belichick is the infinite leader. I pray to the real God that one day soon this will all end. ![]()
4. Kristen Stewart Directing Movie About Her Past Relationships
Kristen Stewart to me has always been one of those actresses that has baffled me as to what her talent is. We all know her claim to fame as the star in the Twilight saga but let's be honest that wasn't exactly superb acting. For three long and boring movies she played a confused love struck somewhat miserable teenager. I don't understand how that requires any talent. What teen isn't miserable, distant and love struck? Now according to the LA Times she is in the director's chair telling the tales of her past relationships. Seems like a waist of resources if you ask me as her relevance has long since dissipated and her relationship dramas are better told by the professionals in the rag magazines. ![]()
3. Social Media Trolls
Perhaps the lowest form of worm food going. The social media parasites that feel a need to correct you on every post as if you were just begging for someone to give you their opinion. Ok well maybe you are but what I am talking about those people that you used to be able to socialize with in actual life but now are far to busy commenting on EVERY single thread possible just hoping to incite a debate or spark a negative reaction. Sometimes it's not all negative, trolls can often be creepy as well were they post so often on such a variety of posts you can't help but wonder what reality these people are leaving. Other times it's just sad that these people just can't unplug and sole purpose is to be up to date on current facebook drama. ![]()
2. Flo From Progressive
Can we all agree that this character has indeed run it's course. She's obnoxious, irritating and certainly not entertaining. To be fair I would not dislike Flo so much if she wasn't forced down my throat every 15 minutes. I plead desperately to the advertising gurus over at Progressive to please take a page out of Geico's playbook and retire your old unwanted character as they did to their gecko spokesman. It's hard enough to watch television these days please take the old lunch lady doppelganger off the small screen.
1. The Walking Dead Told By AMC To Tone Down Violence
To be honest I saw this one coming. After season seven's much anticipated premiere left viewers stunned, speechless and maybe even a little prone to horrific nightmares it was only a matter of time before somebody somewhere chimed in. Ironically it was not the network censors that have called for the show to tail it back a bit but it was the network executives. It seems after the premiere debuted in England viewers and Fox (TWD is viewed on Fox in Europe as AMC is not offered) network brass were upset about the graphic violence. As ratings have slipped a bit since, the powers that be have decided that perhaps a main character's brains being bashed in might finally be the point that was to far. You see in seasons prior characters have died by having their chest ripped open, throats cut and there was even a famous beheading. But now although TWD is still the highest rated show on television despite the slight drop in viewers, executives have become fearful that advertisers might be reluctant to spend money on such a gruesome show. Which is why they have told the show's producers to ease up a tad on the violence and gore. To which I wonder how Law & Order SVU has enjoyed nearly 20 years of broadcasting stories of horrific rape crimes during dinner time and have some how maintained healthy sponsor relationships. Read More 990WBOB