Allan Giberti Former Chicago mayor and White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel infamously said “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” When the reality of the COVID-19 outbreak here in the U.S. was realized, unscrupulous politicians saw an opportunity to use this crisis to push the agendas of special interest groups for their own political gain and for these opportunistic groups it’s akin to an early Christmas gift. On Friday, the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence (RICAGV) released a statement calling on gun stores to "temporarily close" or to institute an appointment-only schedule for the “health of their customers, and all Rhode Islanders…” while simultaneously accusing supporters of the 2nd Amendment of “fear-mongering” during the COVID-19 crisis. Not so surprisingly, it’s the RICAGV who’s doing a damn good job of doing the fear-mongering: “In this most uncertain time, we call on Rhode Island’s gun and ammunition retail shops to put the health of their customers, and all Rhode Islanders, first by temporarily closing their stores, or at the very least instituting a ‘by appointment only’ schedule, throughout the remainder of this pandemic.” The gun grabbers have always pushed the false narrative that we need more laws and more regulations regarding firearms while completely ignoring the fact that it’s criminals who don’t follow the law and this statement is no exception. Governor Gina Raimondo has set rules in place as to how many people can be in any retail store at any given time and gun stores have followed these rules. All you’d have to do is drive by and see the lines because RI’s gun stores have been complying with the Governor’s social distancing guidelines as they relate to retailers since day one. There is no need to “temporarily close” any gun store over fears of social distancing violations. In addition to upholding these social distancing requirements many gun stores, if not all, have been setting appointment times as to when gun owners can come in to pick up recently purchased firearms. If the RICAGV was truly concerned about public health due to social distancing violations perhaps they should be drawing attention to supermarkets and big box retailers which, more often than not are not, frequently well exceed Governor Raimondo’s directives. “It is equally important for the public to know that possessing a gun in your home can contribute to this already dangerous public health crisis because it increases the risk of death by suicide, homicide, or accidental detonation.” “Can contribute…” Once again zero focus on mental health or mental health resources and this is nothing more than projecting and fear-mongering in order to push their agenda. If they were really concerned about contributing factors to the public health care crisis maybe they should focus on Planned Parenthood clinics that are using up valuable personal protection equipment for non-essential operations or the fact that patients are instructed to seek additional treatment at an emergency room due to complications from hemorrhages as a result of chemical and surgical abortions. What will contribute to this public health crisis is when our healthcare system becomes overwhelmed and our healthcare professionals, themselves, get sick. “… accidental detonation.” Has there been a rash of exploding firearms that I’m not aware of? If you’re going to try and push a bunch of crap and hope people buy it, at least put some effort in it and try to sound like you know what you’re talking about. “Yet the pro-gun lobby is baiting people with fear that they need a gun to protect themself from a virus.” Probably the stupidest statement I’ve seen during this pandemic. While I’m not a virologist, I’m willing to bet no one is saying owning a firearm will protect you from a virus. Protecting yourself from a virus, any virus, has everything to do with sterile technique, social distancing, handwashing and common sense. “…Rhode Island still allows the sale of military-style assault weapons and high capacity magazines of over ten rounds, and because our state does not have any safe gun storage laws.” Our children are still required to attend school via distance learning. Apparently, some adults need it as well so here’s a vocabulary lesson. Assault weapons – ANY weapon that is used in an assault. It is an invented term; it has no technical meaning. So-called assault weapons are semi-automatic firearms—the guns most commonly used by millions of law-abiding Americans. Military-style assault weapons – guns that have the appearance of military firearms. What the gun grabbers have deemed “military-style assault weapons” are not automatic firearms, they are not machine guns. All of these guns the gun grabbers have labeled “military-style assault weapons” only fire one round each time the trigger is pulled. Period. Instilling fear based on cosmetic features is ignorant and misguided. High capacity magazines – Another invented term and 10 rounds is an arbitrary number. The majority are standard capacity magazines that are not only issued with an entire class of firearms owned by law-abiding American citizens but are also used for the lawful purpose of self-defense. “There has also been an uptick in ‘ghost gun’ sales…” Where is the data to actually support this claim and what data are they comparing it to? Another statement without any proof with the sole purpose of pushing their agenda. “This kind of fear-mongering adds to the anxiety that people are currently dealing with…” The only part of the statement made by the RICAGV that holds any truth and unfortunately, it’s the RICAGV that is doing the fear-mongering and trying to pin the blame on you. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |