Benjamin Knight
An Islamic suicide bomber detonated an explosive device last night in Manchester, England after running into a group of people leaving an Ariana Grande concert. The terrorist took 22 lives and injured 50 more in the attack. ISIS claimed responsibility for the incident according to RT. Leftists will likely respond like they always do. "Islamophobia is not the answer," they'll say. "We will not let this incident change who we are," they'll reiterate. They'll change their Facebook profile picture to a flag, they'll post #PrayForManchester hashtags, they'll blame Trump, they'll look for every excuse in their arsenal to ignore the elephant in the room. BELOW: Watch Benjamin Knight's video report on Orthodox Islam in Europe
The reality is, until Europe rejects the false song of globalism and supports common sense policy regarding its borders, the terror will not stop. In fact, it will only get worse. The Manchester attack has become the "new normal" for Europeans and the only explanation leftists have formulated thus far is a series of politically correct platitudes that solve nothing and mean nothing. Case in point, it's time to DO something.
The "refugee" influx into France (which is currently in a state of emergency,) Germany, Sweden, the UK and other nations in and around Europe must be halted immediately. Instead, Western countries should be negotiating with rich gulf states such as Saudi Arabia to take in more Muslim migrants and create "safe zones" in the Middle East for those displaced by war who genuinely need help. ISIS admitted in its own manifesto that the group plans on exploiting Europe's open-door migrant policy to terrorize the region. That's exactly what they've done. The Manchester attack, as horrific as it was, might only be a small preview of the death and destruction the Islamic State plans to inflict. Nobody truly knows the size and scope of the terror cells located in Europe and around the world and nobody knows when they will be activated. As families mourn their dead (in some cases, little children) after another massacre perpetrated by a heartless, gutless Islamopsychopath, one must wonder how many more bombs need to explode and take the lives of innocents before the left responds with anything other than the standard PC trope. Imagine if a white male Christian, wielding a Bible and a rebel flag, committed half as many atrocities as Islamic radicals over the last decade alone - the media would be harping on the same narrative incessantly. It would spark mass hysteria. I hope the 9th circuit court of appeals judge who blocked President Trump's executive order on "refugees" was watching carefully last night as bloody young girls, some of them dead, covered the ground following a blast from a nail bomb that sent shrapnel flying everywhere, piercing and maiming victims who just wanted to enjoy a night out at a concert. I hope social justice warriors were paying close attention to the consequences of their fake "tolerance," their innocuous virtue signaling and their blind adherence to the cult of political correctness and hypersensitivity. The true consequences of unrestrained globalism and forced multiculturalism may not have been realized yet, which means there is more to come. Unless the left and right can unite in support of a nationalistic agenda, Islam will continue to invade, attack and dismantle Western societies from within. Watch the video report by Benjamin Knight here: Read More WBOB |