Tyler Salk
Maxim is hosting its first-ever Maxim's Finest" model contest, in which one lucky beauty will win a $25,000 modeling contract and be featured in a two-page Maxim magazine spread. Contestants have been chosen from all across the country. Despite being the smallest state, Rhode Island has a contestant through qualifiers that is going on to compete at the discretion of a public vote. Lindsay Raposa, 26, of Cranston, is looking to become the first Maxim’s Finest winner. Contestants have been chosen from all across the country. Despite being the smallest state, Rhode Island has a contestant through qualifiers that is going on to compete at the discretion of a public vote. Lindsay Raposa, 26, of Cranston, is looking to become the first Maxim’s Finest winner.
Tyler Salk: Hi Lindsay, how are you today?
Lindsay Raposa: I’m doing well, thanks for asking! TS: It's not everyday that someone from Rhode Island is in the running to be a model for Maxim. How did this opportunity come to you? LR: Maxim has always been a household name.I’m a huge fan of Maxim and how them empower women to unapologetically be themselves, and embrace their curves. TS: How did you hear about the competition? LR: Maxim posted a link on their Instagram page that this “model search” was going on, and I applied not even expecting to be selected. When I saw this opportunity posted on their Instagram, I knew I had to apply! TS: Is modeling something you've always wanted to do? LR: Honestly, modeling is never something I saw for myself. I'm only 4’11,” so I don't have the height factor, and I've always considered myself as the girl with the big personality as opposed to the girl with a pretty face. I'm flattered that I was even considered for this opportunity. I know thousands of beautiful women nationwide applied! TS: What do you think it takes to be a model for such a prestigious magazine? LR: Unlike a lot of other magazines that claim to be geared towards a male driven audience, I believe posing for Maxim is something that requires a strong female model. Some of the women who have posed for Maxim have the strongest female voice of our generation (ie. Emily Ratajkowski), but can still embrace their sexuality and not be ashamed. TS: Do you think you fit that mold that you just described to me? Do most of the other girls? LR: I absolutely fit that mold, and regardless of the outcome I’m happy to show other girls from small towns that you can be beautiful, smart, and sexy without having to apologize! I can't speak for the other women who have applied for this opportunity, but I hope the winner uses this platform to empower other women. I mean come on, what's better than a group of beautiful women who support one another? TS: Just making it as far as you did is an accomplishment. But I know you have your eyes set on finishing as the champion. What would it mean to you if you were able to win the entire competition? LR: Winning this competition would be absolutely surreal and a dream come true. Winning this competition would hopefully give someone else the courage to put themselves out there, and not let the fear of failing hold them back. The $25,000 grand prize would also help me repay some of my student loans, and maybe even help me pay for a Master’s degree! TS: How can our readers help you become Maxim's finest? LR: This competition works based on a series of elimination rounds. You can vote for me once daily using Facebook- and sharing the link on all forms of social media will be imperative to helping me move forward in the competition! Voting begins August 30th at 8 am- please vote for me and help me advance! TS: Lindsay thank you for joining me today. Good luck. Voting to qualify as a top 30 contestant begins and ends on August 30th. If Lindsay advances, the next round concludes on September 13th. Voting is available on Maxim's Facebook page. Be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram for updates from her on becoming Maxim’s Finest. Read More 990WBOB |