I was at the 990WBOB.com Christmas Party mingling with fellow talk show personalities, when I got into a disagreement (debate) with a 22 year-old talk show host regarding the Middle East. We were both compassionate about our beliefs and went back and forth for several rounds that after that we gave each other a nod and changed the subject not missing a beat with No Hard Feelings and he said Dave that is what I like about you we can disagree and it’s okay, he said today if you disagree with somebody they call you an A-hole and walk away. The next morning a 20 year old evil young man killed 20 children and six adults at a school in Connecticut. I ask myself what type of evil parasite kills innocent children at a school or movie cinema or mall or just kill. The answer is Some 20 something year old males who are socially inept, sociopath, narcissistic, intelligent, evil SOBs. The big question is why are American’s young adults Snapping like Twigs? There are many countries that have handgun and riffle ownership how come these countries Do Not have the problems of young sociopaths going on killing sprees? There is no one answer to this question, although there many parts of the question that makes up the whole answer. The first thing I noticed is the main stream media and political machine are trying to use this horrific tragedy for their own agenda instead of focusing on why young males are losing their minds and have no remorse for life. CNN- MSNBC- Television Stars - Liberals are scream gun control .They are willing to change the U.S. Constitution instead of asking searching for answers to the important questions of why. Think about the Colorado Movie shooter he had his apartment booby trapped it took the cops days to gain access. He learned to do this by information he received on the Internet. Remember the new breed of sociopaths are intelligent and have access to the internet and the local hardware store. So what are we going to do? Take away the Internet or Blame the Killer? There are Many Questions I wish main stream media, main stream politicians and empty taking heads should address: 1. What are the effects of violent gaming? 2. What are the effects of Song Lyric glamorizing violence? 3. What are the effects of violent movies and reality TV advocating dysfunction and hate? 4. What are the long term side effect of Ritalin and Anti-depressants on children? 5. What are the effects of the removal of Prayer and God from our schools on the morality of our youth? 6. What are the effects of lack of discipline and personal responsibility have on our youth? 7. What are the effects of the breakdown of the traditional family have on our youth? 8. What are the effects of coddling the child to be self-centered? 9. What are the effects of no face to face socialization? 10. Do the zero Non Tolerance Programs in the schools work or exacerbate intolerance? There are many more questions that must be answered before we can jump to a conclusion. Ask yourself why the liberals say guns kill but advocate over 3,000 abortions daily. Why doesn’t CNN-MSNBC-The View or MTV discuss the mixed message being sent to our young? Ask yourself the agenda of the main stream media I believe this is not a gun issue we are doing something wrong in raising our young as a society also I believe in our Constitution. Ask yourself the liberals want to ban guns however Drunk Driving deaths are roughly equal to gun deaths so why don’t we also ban Beer, Wine and Whiskey? The Main Question Ask yourself why are Some American Twenty year olds becoming evil killing machines and Snapping like Twigs - You Tell Me. There is no innocence like that of a child -My prayers go out to the families. God Bless the Children and may God Save the United States of America. WildSide David Clyde |