![]() The Oscars has the best propaganda since Joseph Goebbels’s Nazi Germany. How could anyone NOT SEE the bias and hypocrisy at the Oscars as the Hollywood elite worship themselves and PUSH their agenda to the American Public? Here is one definition of Propaganda: "Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings.” From Hitler’s own words from his book “Mein Kampf”.
First of All the Academy Awards had Michelle “America Dissing Spoiled Brat” Obama be part of the ceremony," an Oscar spokesperson said "As a movie lover, she was honored to present the award and celebrate the artists who inspire us all -- especially our young people -- with their passion, skill and imagination." Hum appeal to feelings and imagination? So there she is at the Oscars surround by Men & Woman of the military, while a female officer, who is obviously a lesbian, makes Goo-Goo eyes at Michelle, you know the same look your dog has when you’re eating a T-bone. Also didn’t her Husband give the Command TO STAND DOWN and allow our soldieries to be slaughter at the Embassy at Benghazi. Oh that’s right he couldn’t be bothered after all he was partying with Beyonce & Jay-Z in Vegas, you know priorities. Let’s look at the tax exceptions the Hypocrites of the Hollywood Elite receive from the Democrat (Communist) Party. Here is a few Oscar nominated films. Quentin Tarantino’s movie Django Unchained received $8.4 million in film tax credits also; Ben Affleck & George Clooney’s movie Argo received $6.21 million in tax credits and Steven Spielberg’s movie Lincoln, received in $3.5 million in tax-free credits. As a matter of fact thirteen states have “transferrable film tax credits” that allow filmmakers to convert unused credits into cash. Hum not a bad idea! Wait a second doesn’t Ben Affleck and other Hollywood Hypocrites say things like "I don't spend so much that I can't afford to pay a little bit more in taxes”. Let’s not forget the Motion Picture Association of America has one of the best and a true Washington insider for lobbyists none other than Chris Dodd, former Democratic Senator from Connecticut. Remember all that Gun Violence and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi & Quentin (The Racist) Tarantino screaming that Movies & Video games & music do not Influence behavior in spite of a new promising study from the Seattle Children's Research Institute that show a correlation of improving children’s behavior by switch channels from violent shows to educational TV. Now I understand why Hollywood honored James Bond movies you know the spy with a License to Kill. Hollywood elite including Barbra Streisand, gathered last week at Norman Lear's Westside mansion, where they heard Minority Leader Nancy (The Let them eat Cake) Pelosi showing the elite the playbook for winning House in the 2014 mid-terms."The message was: 'We have to start now,'" one attendee said. "We have a year, and these races are going to be close. They're looking to Hollywood for support." Now it makes sense why Hollywood loves Democrats because they are Paid Off. Remember don’t worship man & false idols always question their true agenda and always follow the money. Remember I worship No Man For I am The WildSide! May God Save Us from Ourselves -WildSide Prof. Clyde |
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