Mya Destinee In Hollywood, woman have no other choice to maintain perfect, flawless physiques to keep getting those young hot movie roles. Nothings worse than being typecast as ‘the mom’ at 35. Amy Pohler and Tiny Fay fight, swamp monsters like Lena Dunham, fight against these Hollywood standards…but then again, they have not nor ever will appear on ANY hot list that I’d put out. The standards are simple: 1.Famous woman over the ripe old age of 45 that I would do. The list is short, albeit, but these following 5 woman are, and probably will always be, doable. There you have it folks, straight from the source. Wanna hear more? Tune into Derelict Dummies LIVE Monday Night at 9pm eastern to catch me, Mya Destinee talk about these fine, older ladies! |
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