100 billion dollars.
That’s how much money Americans spent on beer in 2013… equaling 196 million barrels. Of that, 15+ million barrels came from craft -- or microbreweries -- totaling $14.3 million in revenue -- nearly 8 percent of the overall market share and a 17 percent increase from the previous year. This week on The Cobblestone Press, Kevin Aherne welcomed owner of Foolproof Brewery, Nick Garrison, to discuss the emerging craft beer market nationally – and locally. Listen to the interview below!
Host Kevin AherneWhen he's not busy posing for photo frame throwaways, Kevin Aherne is Mr. WBOB. Offering the full gamut of sports, politics, and culture. Aherne has often been described as witty but never charming, intelligent but never smart. Read Kevin AherneCategories