Pot, Ganja, Herb, Reefer, ya know – Marijuana.
This week on the Cobblestone Press, Kevin Aherne tackled the hot topic of effective cannabis legislation for the Ocean State with Jared Moffat from the Marijuana Policy Project and Director of Regulate RI, who explained why it is vital that Rhode Island become the FIRST state in the Northeast to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Moffat, a Cobblestone Press regular, is an enthusiastic supporter of two recent bills on Smith Hill that will regulate and tax the sale of cannabis in the Ocean State -- but he cautions state legislators against waiting to enact these groundbreaking bills. Listen to the interview |
Host Kevin AherneWhen he's not busy posing for photo frame throwaways, Kevin Aherne is Mr. WBOB. Offering the full gamut of sports, politics, and culture. Aherne has often been described as witty but never charming, intelligent but never smart. Read Kevin AherneCategories