Episode #106 1/19/15 - Beside the usual banter on current events; the guys welcomed back producer George Dussault to conclude the discussion on his prolific output as an engineer and musical mentor to so many diverse (and successful) regional acts. No one got hurt and as usual a good batch of tunes were played.
The dumbnamic duo welcomed teacher, comedian and activist Rhodes Pierre for discussions on the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, all things Ferguson and whether the police are being trained to be overly aggressive in the use of deadly force. And believe it or not, there was still room for some music and laughter. Absurdest moments for all.
Episode #104 1/5/15 - Kris and Bob discuss health care in a not so informative manner. Plus they explain what exactly it is Rhode Island is the best or worst at. It' not what you expect.
Who Are The Derelict Dummies?
by a pair of unmanageable personalities, Derelict Dummies offers it's
listeners a weekly dose of celebrity gossip, music news and their often
fogged out opinion on world views. Archives
July 2015