Car Grumps #13 3/9/21- When we started in the car world gaming wasn't a thing. Our personal computers had the power of a calculator at best and even Mario Kart wouldn't be released until 1992! At best you had an arcade with a scrolling screen that wasn't very realistic, so they didn't do more than a cliff note to motivate a generation to turn wrenches or upgrade their cars. Since then games have grown. From simple arcade racers like Need for Speed and open world affairs like Midnight Club to simulation games like Forza and Gran Turismo things have grown immensely. Depending on how deep your pockets are you can invest in an iRacing machine complete with dynamic seat and literally race with other racers from around the world on real live tracks with whatever car you want for real winning! Today we talk with alumn Mike Sandoval , Untamed Games Matt Matteson, a veteran of the car world and gaming, and Edgar Gamboa, a long time gaming friend of Primo, about how their gaming world has intersected and inspired an automotive generation. Hit Play To ListenClick Here
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