In heartwarming news, the former legendary coach to the UNC Tarheels, Dean Smith made a grand gesture from beyond the grave -- in the form of a $200 payment to each and every player that he coached at Chapel Hill.
Smith -- who coached at North Carolina from 1961 until 1997 -- died in February, and in March players began receiving letters from Timothy Breedlove, the trustee for his estate, attached to which were checks for two-hundred dollars. In the letter was a note that explained Smith's wishes that each player enjoy a dinner on him. "Enjoy a dinner out compliments of Coach Dean Smith." By our math, that adds up to more than$35,000. Dean Smith had a career coaching record of 879-254. He coached two National Championship teams, 11 Final Four teams, and was four-time winner of National Coach of the Year, It is unclear if this payment constitutes an NCAA violation (kidding, kind of). See the letter below.
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