After paying the largest amount for any sports franchise, an ownership group, that includes NBA Hall of Famer, and AIDS Poster-Child Magic Johnson now own the Los Angeles Dodgers.. The Dodgers have not had the success that they once had nearly a century ago, but the SoCal based squad is a valuable professional sports commodity, based on its market and tradition. Despite being valued at slightly over $850 Million, the group will pay a final purchase price of $2.15 Billion Dollars for a deal that includes the team and 50% of Dodger Stadium. The team had been owned and operated by Frank McCourt, but his very messy public divorce threatened his financial sovereignty, forcing both he and MLB's hand. Fans and players alike are very happy to see Magic Johnson's name associated with their brand, however, it is unknown what the final impact of this deal could be.
-Kevin Aherne |
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