![]() He did it again. Just when you thought the world was rid of the bumbling, steriod abusing, whistle blower that is Jose Canseco, he made headlines again. Canseco, now 47 was attempting a comeback campaign. Why you ask? It's this writers opinion that either the residual income from his book is starting run low or he just to stupid to realize it is over. This time Canseco was slated to return to baseball with the Quintana Roo Tigers of the independent Mexican league. However this latest attempt at a return to the show has been derailed. Canseco refused to take a standard performance enhancing drug test. He claims that he would have failed the test because of his prescribed testosterone producing pills. Yeah you read that right. Jose claims that due to all the steroids he took over his lifetime he now has to rely medication to produce a normal amount of testosterone. Unfortunately for Jose, even in Mexico, a steroid is a steroid. -Pal |
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