EPISODE #221 5/12/15 - David Clyde talks with Colin Flaherty about how the black community in Baltimore rioted and burnt the city, how the gangs and criminals are running the show yet all the politicians there paint them as 'victims', talking about black-on-white crimes and how it goes 'unnoticed' by the media, how the mayor of Baltimore essential let it happen and told the police to stand down, the recent shootings of cops that has sprung up. Plus RI Rep Doreen Costa weighs in on #DeflateGate and how crazy it is compared to real world problems.
EPISODE #220 5/5/15 - It's called the Wild Side for a reason. Professor Clyde shares his thoughts loud and proud on the Garland Texas shooting, Muslim extremist and more. Plus author Henry Vinson discuses his provocative best seller Confessions of a D.C. Madam.
Raw! Unfiltered! No Apologies! Archives
June 2015