EPISODE #226 6/16/2015 - They call it the Wild Side for a reason. Once again host Professor David Clyde pushes the envelope and leaves no stone unturned to provide his listeners with alternative news and entertainment. This week Clyde welcomes You Tube sensation and American Patriot Saad Kooza Salman. His message is strong and extremely anti Isis and very pro U.S. The former Iraq citizen is now a proud American and Christian. Saad denounces the Koran and the Muslim religion more then most. Episode #207 (2/3/2015) - Professor Clyde hosts another riveting edition of the Wild Side. This week he debuts an all new segment "The Spin Cycle" with Becky Blades, author of "Do Your Laundry or You'll Die Alone". The two discussed common sense in everyday life, adult children need parents too & Valentines Day. Plus WBOB Political writer Arthur C. Schaper joins the fun. He and Clyde weigh in on how some Democrats are now starting to go against Obama. If that wasn't enough the honorable Doreen Costa discusses her Bad Bill of the Week: Traffic fines will now be doubled.
Episode #206 (1/20/15) - Professor Clyde analyzes Obama's State of the Union speech with WBOB Political writer Arthur Sharper. Clyde also humbly welcomes author Jim DeFelice talking about his book "American Sniper" and his time with Chris Kyle, working with him, Chris' experiences as a sniper in Iraq, and his untimely demise, Jim's opinion on the recent negative comments by "Hollywooders". Plus Doreen Costa's Bad Bill of the Week: CA giving illegal immigrants free drivers license.
Episode #202 (1/13/15) This week on The Wild Side, David Clyde welcomed everyone's favorite legislator, Rep. Doreen Costa (R- Dist. 31), for a new segment "Bad Bill of the Week" to discuss the worst articles of proposed legislation currently being addressed on the floor of the General Assembly .
Plus Dan Martin discusses the 'Naked Show' & Osama Bin Regan with the Professor, and the fallout of the terrorist attacks that happened in France with Jewboy Feldman and how Muslim extremists are now becoming a global threat |
Raw! Unfiltered! No Apologies! Archives
June 2015