Based on today's U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Harris v Quinncase, which legal experts believe invalidates the 2013 Rhode Island law that allowed for the forced payment of fees to unions by home childcare providers, the Rhode Island Center for Freedom & Prosperity is calling on the State, the State Labor Relations Board (SLRB), and all statewide candidates in 2014 to act decisively and swiftly to ensure that taxpayer dollars intended for the care of children, which are unconstitutionally slated to be diverted into union coffers, remain with the providers.
Following a yearlong struggle and near certain defeat, the embattled Davey Lopes Pool Complex is set to re-open on Monday, June 30th.
The Rhode Island Department of Health (HEALTH) is working with Rhode Island Hospital and Roger Williams Medical Center to notify patients who may have been exposed to a person with measles who was in both of these facilities last week.
The Department of Environmental Management has enacted a shellfish closure in the Kickemuit River as a result of a sewage overflow from the Town of Bristol’s Kickemuit River pump station located on Kickemuit Avenue. The discharge was caused by a crack in the force main valve at the pump station. The system was repaired at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and is no longer discharging sewage to the river.
At the Town Dock, House Speaker Nicholas A. Mattiello, Sen. V. Susan Sosnowski, Rep. Joseph M. McNamara, Narragansett Town Council PresidentJames Callaghan and Janet Coit, Director, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, joined Governor Lincoln Chafee who today signed legislation into law that establishes Rhode Island-style calamari as the state’s official appetizer.