![]() A 21 year-old British man was sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates, after he and a Syrian citizen tried to sell 3/4 of an ounce of marijuana to an undercover officer in Abu Dhabi. The middle east has been well known for being extremely strict about penalties of crimes involving drugs and promiscuity, mainly because most of the legal system there is based on traditional values. I mean, some recent crimes that resulted in jailed or deported travelers include kissing in public, sending sexual text messages, flipping-off another driver and then two British citizens were sentenced to 3 months in jail for having sex on a beach. I thought that the United Arab Emirates was supposed to be where people went to play and have fun, but apparently our idea of fun in America and most of the other western countries is greatly frowned upon there. The Netherlands started the whole tolerance of marijuana in Amsterdam and was the only location to do so for a very long time. Now, many states in America are following suit and although they are not legalizing the use of the herbal drug, but they are decriminalizing the penalties assessed to the minor offenders. So, why are countries like the United Arab Emirates inflicting such harsh penalties on people who are convicted of drug charges? Even here, if you get caught with more than an ounce of marijuana you will see some jail time, but a person would never be sentenced to death for being caught with any amount of marijuana. I feel for this young British man who was sentenced to death because for his poor choice in clientele, but I am more enraged that the government of Abu Dhabi sentenced this man to death for a petty drug charge. I think that their laws need to be re-thought and appropriate penalties given based on the severity of the crime. -Coach - Rob Duguay
- Rob Duguay
![]() You have to love Texas where right is right and wrong is wrong and you protect your family at all cost. You know, cowboy values that some find offensive, like protect woman, children and your homestead with a no non-sense, no bull shit attitude. In life some things are just wrong and some things are worth fighting for. In life some things cannot be rationally explained or justified by some psycho babble, there is just No Excuse. There are two kinds of people in a time of crisis. One is the guy that will run away and trust that the “System” to defend and protect him and his family. Like Bloomberg the Mayor of New York who wants to impose more gun control in that Cesspool they call NY City and hamper your right to defend and protect your family. According to Bromberg citizens must trust the “System” for their family’s well being and run away from the thugs. The Other type of MAN believes he has the Right to defend his family and will not leave it in the hand of “System” with it’s so called Justice .You know the system where t here is no rational definition of right and wrong, where excuses rule over logic , where manipulation of the truth is king. In TEXAS, a Man who owned a horse barn, where people groom and tend their horses, heard the voice of a Little Girl Screaming. He ran to his barn and saw a 47 year-old man Sexually Molesting his 5 Yrs Old Daughter. He pulled the Pedophile off his daughter and struck the Pedophile in the Head, killing him. He could have run away, called the cops and hope his daughter wouldn't be harmed. Maybe the Pedophile might have been arrested and with the right lawyer, maybe the guy gets probation so he could continue having sex with 5 year-old girls. However, this Texas Father Did Not wait for the police to arrive and did not wait until after his young daughter was raped, He applied TEXAS Justice and defended his family, and all Little Girls, from this Pedophile. This Texas Cowboy is a Hero and bravely acted in the face of Danger and protected his family unlike the progressives whose motto is “Run away” You see, it is WRONG for a 47 Year-Old Man to grope and try to have Sexual Intercourse with a 5 year-old Little Child. There is No Explanation; You Can Not Rehabilitate a 47 Year-Old Pedophile who gets Sexual Stimulated while trying to Rape Little Girls. He must be Put Down like a Mad Dog. No disrespect to Mad Dogs. Good ol common sense Texas Justice was Served.
God Bless Texas Wild Side Professor Clyde - Rob Duguay |