Bill Bartholomew
The residual impact of the recent Newport Gas Crisis could ripple for months as businesses recover and await reimbursement from state emergency funds, National Grid and other private outfits. The crisis, which saw thousands of residents and businesses without the ability to heat their homes and facilities for nearly a week, appears to be the result of a loss of pressure to National Grid’s Aquidneck Island infrastructure, potentially the effect of a sudden, high demand for gas as temperatures plummeted on Aquidneck Island. Tyler Krusz and Christian Martinelli
“You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” The Patriots, one day, were the heroes- the young, underdog quarterback and weird head coach taking down the greatest show on turf. The problem is, they never died. Each and every year, a new hero steps up to try and take down the long-time villain, someone strong and noble enough to end the evil empire. And what better team, than the ones who fell in defeat to the Patriots 17 years ago? There is always a reason to pop open a cold brew even if the weather outside is furiously cold and bitter. As the seasons change so to do our pallets. In the frost of winter beer lovers alike tend to reach for the darker brews. But with all the options where can one turn to find that perfect winter warmer? The WBOB beer belly squad has your back again as the resident taste testers have compiled these sipper suggestions for your consumption.
With the Super Bowl around the corner, Attorney General Peter F. Neronha is advising football fans to use caution when purchasing tickets to the game or booking travel.
“While fans are excited and gearing up for the big game, scammers are as well,” said Attorney General Neronha. “Be sure to protect yourself from ticket scams and credit card fraud if you are heading to Atlanta this weekend.” Allan Giberti
I’ve been told that I’m a deplorable, privileged man who often exhibits many of the traits of one suffering from toxic masculinity, but imagine how much worse I would be if I were white. That’s pretty offensive, or at least it should be. It gets worse. |