With over 33,000 fatalities occurring on the nation's highways each year, roadway safety remains one of the most challenging issues facing America. NETSC brings together government officials, law enforcement, business leaders, and advocacy groups from around the region to discuss trends, share best practices and explore innovative solutions in achieving safer roads and saving lives. This year the conference focuses specifically on the unique driving habits and safety risks commonly associated with different age groups. Workshops will tackle the growing trends in dangerous behaviors such as wrong-way driving, distracted driving, and drugged driving; and local efforts to curb the devastating effect of these practices through engineering, education, and enforcement. Featured presenters include Anders Eugensson of the Volvo Car Group who will preview next-generation vehicle design and his company's vision to build the first fatality-free car, and Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Kilmartin who will discuss the alarming trend in texting while driving and his work with AT&T on the It Can Wait campaign. Dr. Bill Van Tassel of AAA will also join to discuss his research in cross-generational driving practices. Presentations will also be made by AAA of Southern New England, AT&T, MADD RI, Rhode Island State Police, and a host of others. Conference sponsors include AT&T, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., Green International Affiliates, Inc., AAA of Southern New England, CDR Maguire, Louis Berger, Gordon R. Archibald, Inc., Crossman Engineering, Tori Lynn Andreozzi Foundation, RI ITE and Ocean State Signal Company. |