Allan Giberti
It’s been about abortion. Now, it’s about gun control. Strange how they both revolve around the killing of children. Yet, the left’s attitude toward them couldn’t be anymore opposite. The killing of any child should be intolerable. When it comes to the second amendment, the Democrats rally the cry “We must save the children.” However, when it comes to abortion, they are practically tripping over each other to push some pregnant woman down the stairs.
What does gun control have to do with abortion? On the surface not much, but it’s the platform of the Democrat Party. Control and victimhood.
The seed that a woman’s right to choose was “under attack” was planted during the 2016 Presidential Election by candidate Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party and their mouthpieces, aka privileged celebrities and the mainstream media. Women’s healthcare was under attack. Civil rights as we knew them were going to be no more. If Donald Trump was to somehow get elected, you might as well take off those shoes and get back in the kitchen. It’s been over two years and no woman I know of is required to walk behind a man, not go out in public unless accompanied by a male relative, or has had their worth reduced to less than that of a man in a court of law, let alone the repeal of any existing rights. That has not stopped the liberal machine from spreading fear that somehow women are still under attack from the big bad scary orange man. After two years with women’s unemployment reaching historic lows, thereby affording them new opportunities and with more women serving in Congress than ever, somehow women are still victims. The Women’s March even advocates the idea that legalized, unrestricted abortion is necessary to achieve “collective liberation” for women. What does that mean? Unrestricted abortion? It means you are a victim until you can kill your unborn child right up until birth, and in some cases after, without any reason other than it is “your body” with no consequences. With the mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School last year, every Democrat seized upon this opportunity (yes, opportunity) to push an agenda whose only purpose is to disarm law abiding American citizens. Why? Because it fits. Nothing more and nothing less. You are a victim. Your children are. Your family is. They’ll always be victims who only the Democrats can save. The only way to stop all the gun violence is to punish law abiding American citizens, by making all the bad guns go away. There is not a single gun control advocate who is able, or willing, to debate the issues of gun control and gun control legislation. You cannot debate facts with feelings from those not willing to be wrong. Even as the evidence, data and the findings of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Commission is presented, the Democrats choose to ignore it and instead legislate for the vote. To hell with upholding the US and State Constitution, let’s just make laws around them. Democrats continually espouse science, but they don’t. They espouse victimhood in the name of science, picking and choosing as they go. They embrace it in the name of global warming or climate change, and disregard it when it comes to abortion. “My body, my choice” doesn’t hold up so well when you’re talking about DNA. The science of mathematics and statistics go out the window when it comes to firearms, legal firearm ownership and crime. Forget psychology and criminology, because all that will get you is a philosophical argument where you are the oppressor advocating for gun violence. The debate and the collaboration was put to an end by the left. Logic and reason has been replaced by fear mongering and pandering. Abortion and gun control, two agendas pushed by the left to emphasize your victimhood in order to gain even more control. Sadly, both will result in dead children. A small price they are willing to pay for the illusion of liberation and safety. Read More 990WBOB |