What in life can make grown adults lose their minds and shake with fear? The answer is (A): An IRS Audit. The good old IRS with its arresting powers, ability to enforce huge fines, freeze your assets, auction off your home, scare your employer, and chase away all your friends.
Imagine a President or a political party having a controlling Influence over the IRS. For instance granting new jobs, pay increases and health care during one of the country’s worst economical periods in decades. The icing on the cake is when the President or a political party misuses their authority and uses intimidation to scare off their competition or enemies... who are United States Citizens. The Government has its’ own hit list, but instead of using assassins for the kill, they use an IRS Agents with audits. Democrats, Republicans and everyone in between, is this you want from YOUR GOVERNMENT? Do you really want BIG GOVERNMENT? What is unfolding from Washington’s IRS is downright frightening this is not a conspiracy this is Corruption: Chicago style. Reports from watchdog Groups and the Treasury General confirms as far back since 2010 the IRS is admitting they “flagged “ certain political groups the use the words “Tea Party” /“Patriots”. The IRS requested” irrelevant” information for such groups causing frustration, intimidation and some groups from never forming, remember this is America? Data is indicating 80% of such groups were harassed by the IRS. An example is a 68-year-old Ohio woman who founded American Patriots against Government Excess group. They were volunteers who passed out copies of the constitution at parades, and had informational meetings on anything from the health care law to disaster preparedness." She claimed “They wanted copies of our blog. They said they had already taken copies of our website. They wanted a list of all of our officers, what we do at our meeting, how our board is made up,” Let’s not forget the IRS revealed disclosed information regarding these groups to certain Media groups which made this personnel information public. I believe this is illegal and there should be criminal charges against those in the IRS that gave the orders including all government agencies that were involved. This is the IRS how dare they abuse their Power people have to arrested and Fired and maybe Impeached. This is same Obama Administration that says trust us with your health care, there are no death panels. The same administration that says turn in your guns the 2nd Amendment doesn’t mean citizens should own firearms we will protect your family. The same administration that Says Benghazi was because of a video about Islam and there is no Jihad Terrorist left. I did not give the orders to STAND DOWN. How can you look me in the eyes and believe President Obama cares about the American Public, it appears to me he cares about his power. God Save the USA -WildSide Professor Clyde |