Get ready to grab your favorite superhero outfit (you know you have one), because AIDS Project Rhode Island has announced that its annual AIDS Walk for Life event will take place Saturday, April 21, 2018, starting at the Roger Williams Park Carousel, and will, for the first time, include a 5K run.
The theme for this year’s event is “It Takes a Team of Heroes to Get to Zero” and encourages participants to dress as their favorite superhero—or create one of their own.
Together, runners and walkers will be part of a heroic team pushing for an end to AIDS and getting new HIV infections to zero in Rhode Island. APRI will also be offering free HIV testing the day of the event and other community-based organizations will be part of the day’s activities, including AIDS Care Ocean State and others.
“As our largest fundraising event, the Run/Walk for Life ensures we can continue to provide care to the thousands of individuals living with and affected by HIV and AIDS in Rhode Island,” APRI Executive Director Stephen Hourahan says. “Public support for the event goes so far in helping us expand our HIV testing efforts, provide comprehensive support services to those living with HIV, and fighting the stigma and discrimination these people still face every day.” HIV/AIDS in Rhode Island More than 2,700 people are currently living with HIV/AIDS in Rhode Island, and new HIV infections in the state actually rose slightly in 2017 from 2016. HIV continues to disproportionately affect low-income and minority communities, particularly young Latino and African-American gay and bisexual men and women of color. Details and Registration AIDS Run/Walk for Life Event Details: Saturday, April 21, 2018 - Roger Williams Park Carousel Village 8 a.m.: Registration opens 9 a.m.: Speaking program begins The 5K run will start immediately after the speaking program, with the walk following. APRI will award prizes for top runners, top fundraisers, as well as best superhero costumes. For questions about the event, please contact APRI at (401) 831-5522. To register as a runner or a walker, please visit www.aidswalkforlife.org or www.firstgiving.com/aidswalkri/walkforlife2018. |