Allan Giberti I’m perfectly fine with waiting for the whole “cancel culture” tantrum to burn itself out, and it’s only a matter of time before it does. It’s not something that could even remotely become a part of normal society and by normal, I mean adult. Mature. Grown up. No tantrums. You get the point. Cancel culture is when social justice warriors use something someone has said or done as an excuse to boycott and destroy a person’s career, and it’s clearly biased. The rules do not apply to everyone. They used to and that got someone’s attention. After Roseanne Barr’s tweet, her career was over. Decades of hard work and accomplishments gone. She claimed the tweet wasn’t racist, but we never got to have that discussion. Social justice must be extracted quickly, and as Nancy Pelosi likes to say, they must strike while the iron is hot. In Democrat speak, “striking while the iron is hot” is a euphemism for “striking while emotions are high.” They must strike while everyone is in an emotional frenzy; it’s motivation for those of the mob mentality. Some crowds are easier to whip into a frenzy than others. Especially when you have a generation that has been taught that words and ideas can be safe or violent. Woke or not woke. It may not even be something someone has recently done. When it was announced that Kevin Hart was going to host the Oscars, he immediately had his feet held to the fire for gay jokes and tweets he made as far back as 2009. The Oscars gave him an ultimatum, apologize or step down. Kevin Hart did step down but refused to apologize saying that this is not the first time his past jokes and tweets have come up, saying that he already had explained himself. Initially. Kevin Hart made an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and Ellen asked him to reconsider hosting the Oscars. Ellen then received criticism from the LGBT community with cries that she was not their moral arbiter. Kevin did make a formal apology a couple of days later. Funny, I’d love to hear my “community” scream in equal outrage when some unhinged straight liberal proclaims what is and isn’t offensive to the LGBT community, but I digress. Kevin’s situation is a twofer. First, you cannot be held accountable for something you said or did decades ago that was socially acceptable at that time, but does not meet today’s social justice warrior’s standards. That’s not just an impossible standard to meet, it’s idiotic and it does not allow for the exception that people change and grow. There is no salvation. It’s the Twitterverse’s version of original sin. Second, select people’s lives and/or careers aren’t always obliterated. The pendulum has not swung both ways. Last week former President Barack Obama spoke out against the rallying cry of the cancel culture, saying, “... I think one danger I see among young people, particularly on college campuses … and this is accelerated by social media… is this sense sometimes of, ‘The way of me making change is to be as judgmental as possible about other people, and that’s enough. That’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change. If all you’re doing is casting stones, you’re probably not going to get that far.” But why? Why should he denounce what so many liberals hold dear? Because no independent thought wokeness,is coming home to roost. Sure Kevin got some heat for his tweets and Ellen got some for advocating he apologize and we all move on; but Ellen is receiving quite a backlash about, not just sitting next to former President George W. Bush at a recent Dallas Cowboys game but, being friends with him. Remember how words and ideas that are not in line with mainstream liberal groupthink are violent? Well, now even tolerating people who think outside of the accepted norm, who value independent thought, is just as heinous. With a 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate field that believes Barack Obama and his policies were not liberal enough, how much weight do you think his woke wokeness will carry now? Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays at 7pm and Tuesdays at 8pm. All times Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |