By Wildside David Clyde They say a Zebra can’t change its stripes. Well, a zebra named Chafee just changed from a zebra to a Jack-Ass. Let’s look at Chafee’s political history he was a Republican when Bush was in office than when that was not vogue than he became an Independent and stabbed his former party in the back by backing President Barrack ( Stand Down) Obama and speaking at the Democratic Convention. Now with his rating dropping to 30% approval he making another jump for personal gain from Independent to Democrat and of course his binky Barrack (IRS) Obama called him and said Welcome to the Liberal Elitist Society where the politically connected gain more Power and Wealth of the backs of the Public.
Chafee wants to part to the Obama Administration that brought us IRS corruption-Spying on the Associated Press reporters-Obama care which is falling apart before it gets off the ground –We won war on terror speech as Jihadist bomb the Boston Marathon and behead soldiers in England- Gun Control by throwing the 2nd Amendment in the sewer and the Benghazi disgrace of lying to the public blaming the attract on a video apologizing to the Terrorist at the UN and than giving the most cowardly command ever STAND DOWN. Yes Chafee want to join team Barrack Obama just what Rhode Island needs. Chafee has NO INTEGRITY and from his record no COMMITMENT ether he is doing this because Rhode Island has lost all common sense and vote Democrats out of ignorance and prejudice. Some fun finding regarding Lincoln Chafee and Rhode Island: * Lincoln Chafee is ranked as the 13th wealthiest politician: $64 MILLION * Rhode Island’s economy is ranked 45 out of 50 according to the 2013 ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index * Rhode Island ranked 47 out of 50 in lowest property tax * Rhode Island is ranked 7 out of 50 for most public employees * Linc Chafee's biggest achievements are Same Sex Marriage and calling a Christmas Tree a Holiday Tree and of trying to pass Gun Control how typical –how elite? So now he’s a Democrat, even though I thought he already was. How Pathetic! |