This is a bad week for Gun Rights and more importantly the Constitutional Rights of the Americans , at least the ones that we care about the USA. This week represents the end of the Constitution and America as we know it and the Progressive Democrats (Communist) must be doing a jig on the grave of the 2nd Amendment. Rhode Island State Democrats proposed legislation to restrict gun rights and
ban selected firearms. White washing the masses with Obama propaganda regarding the evils of “ They Cling to their Guns and Religion.” This is not about protecting Americans it is about Obama’s ELITEST ADGENDA since 2008. This is about Disarming the Constitution and Control. There is NO LEGAL GUN OWNER issue in Rhode Island. Do you know why? The legal gun owners follow the law and pay their taxes, the Thugs are the ones eing Violent via ILLEGAL knives-bats-mob beatings and guns. How come the thugs do not have to worry about their firearms? The only ones that have to worry are the ones that followed the rules? What a mixed message is being sent to RI citizens? I lost two family members because of the Lack of Jobs- Lack of Opportunity - High cost of Living -High Taxes of Rhode Island. I have some questions to all those RI. Democrats with those tremendous pensions beating their Chest like Tarzan claiming gun control will solve all your ills. 1) How is gun control going to create jobs? (As strange as this sounds RI was trying to get Colt and Beretta both Gun Manufactures with thousands of jobs to come to RI) 2) How come RI is not restricting the violence of its’ Video gaming and Movie industry? 3) How come RI. does not pass restrictions on it Abortion industry? 4) How come RI. does not address it’s Urban Fatherless Children’s issues? 5) How is this Unconstitutional Gun Ban going to LOWER my Taxes? Then a couple days later the Obama Administration with help some McCain Republicans passes Firearm Registration and other Restrictive measures to void the U.S. Constitution. Ask yourself what is the real AGENDA of the Progressive Democrats? 1) Why has DHS purchased enough Ammunition to last 10 years? 2) Why has DHS purchased thousands of Firearms? 3) What about the all the new FEMA Graduates? 4) What about Fast and Furious remember the Gov Gun Trafficking? 5) REGISTRATION LEADS TO CONFISCATION A senator from UTAH said: "You see, the federal government has no business monitoring when or how often you go to church; what books and newspapers you read; who you vote for; your health conditions; what you eat for breakfast; and the details of your private life-- including your lawful exercise of your rights protected by the Second Amendment and other provisions of the Bill of Rights." WildSide Prof. David Clyde |