![]() Ed Doyle In campaigning for the office of State Representative there has been one constant thought that many people have expressed to me. They are excited that someone like I have taken on the fight with energy and conviction and support what I am fighting for but the conversation seems to always contain the words, “I really hope you win and can make a difference but Rhode Island is Dead!” I say Rhode Island is not dead! It has been lulled into a deep hypnotic sleep by those with money and control and brainwashing voters into sleep walking into the voting booth over the last decade. Each election year the same names are given a free pass to sit on their thrones once again in the State House while they take more and more from their loyal subjects throwing back crumbs of bread laced with lies and secret ingredients to ensure they will come back and do it all over again in two years. Pitifully enough it has worked year after year. Each year a little tax here, a little fee hike there, sure it will make us grumble a little but they will give extra to those that want the easy way and that combined with the lies of concern and change ensure that we are forever in their gratitude or at least until the next election. It has worked time and again but now the well has run dry and those loyal subjects are waking from their comas and they are hungry. We have seen it in the rallies at the state house, the demanding of the abolishment of the “Master Lever”, the call for investigation and prosecution of those being exposed and finally we see more of the “Of the People” candidates throwing their hat in the ring and taking on the goliaths that have all but destroyed the great state of Rhode Island ironically with the motto of Hope. It is no easy task to say the least but the infectious energy and conviction that we hold as candidates is spreading faster than the despair. The Gods of Smith Hill are not happy and they will be throwing as much as they can at this new breed of fighters to include lies, misdirection, humiliation, intimidation and calling in favors from all those that were foolish enough to be caught in their lair. But remember this… David indeed slew Goliath with not money or power, not an arsenal of lies and misdirection but instead with bravery and a will to win! Candidates such as me and others would never put their families in the line of fire as the unscrupulous love to take aim and fire at, nor would they invest all of their time, energy and the little money that can scrape from our family’s budgets if we did not truly believe that we can make a difference. We believe in our hearts and our souls that the values of the hard working men and women of this state are worth facing the evil Goliaths and giving it all we have not for fame, not for glory but for the people we are part of because we refuse to allow our state and our people which we hold dear to our hearts to be destroyed. Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”. I believe that these are also the words of those that have worn out their usefulness in the Rhode Island State House and we the hard working families of Rhode Island are indeed that sleeping giant. You can answer the call to arms as so many brave Americans did after the Japanese attack and take the fight to the voting booth on September 9th in the Primaries and on November 4th Election day. In the words of John F. Kennedy… “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” God Bless Rhode Island and her people!