Tyler Salk For over a decade, the team at 990WBOB has reached thousands of people across Rhode Island, New England, the rest of the United States, and the world. But the crew is more than just your source for news and entertainment. Learn more about one of our newest writers, Mark Colley. Tyler Salk: Mark, how are you today? Mark Colley: I’m pretty good, thanks. TS: Tell me about you. Who are you? Why are you writing for 990WBOB? MC: I’m a university student, and I’m writing for 990WBOB because — if I’m being completely honest — I’ve never written about politics before and wanted to get some of my opinions (which I think are very robust, thank you very much) out there. TS: So I know of course how you got your start with WBOB. From the beginning when you were a guest caller, for our listeners, tell us about how you got your start with WBOB? MC: This very professional man (his name may or may not have been Tyler…) contacted me via email, and asked me to come on his show to chat about baseball. After a couple of years on the radio, you invited me to write pieces for the website — especially politics — because of my major at university. And here we are! TS: What has been your favorite part about working on this team so far? What are some of the biggest things that you’ve learned? MC: Honestly, I just love the diversity of opinions. It’s not something where I have to argue one side or another — I have great freedom in not only choosing what to write about, but also what analysis I present. I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is to look at everything I encounter as the start of a new story, and the source of a new idea. TS: What’s your favorite assignment that you’ve worked on for 990WBOB? Which are you most proud of? (They can be the same one. Please hyperlink your answer) MC: I’m definitely most proud of this piece, about the Moderate Party leader suing the Rhode Island DMV. It’s a local story, and probably not all that important, but also completely original. My favorite, though, is this piece, on the new plastic bag ban in Providence. I may or may not have written it on a T ride in Boston, and may or may not have completely forgotten about it until hours before my deadline, but I think it makes a very strong, complete and cohesive argument. TS: You’re a student, and this is what you’re hoping to do for a career. Finish this statement for me, Mark. Ten years from now, I hope to be MC: Ten years from now, I hope to be a Toronto Blue Jays beat reporter (sorry Red Sox, the Blue Jays are my favorite), or a White House correspondent. TS: What can WBOB and the WBOB readers do to help you get there? MC: Get me a job! Seriously, I’m looking for a journalism internship for the 2020 summer in the Boston area — if you have any positions or know someone who does, reach out to me on Twitter or [email protected]. Mark Colley is a weekly contributor for 990WBOB.com. Be sure to check back regularly for his latest work. Read More 990WBOB |