Allan Giberti I’m sure many people are hung over this morning because of debate drinking games. I did not partake in any drinking activities last night although I was on a pretty good political high after Tuesday night’s debate. While the Democrats are trying to spin this as a win for Joe Biden because President Trump was a big lying bully, the truth is President Trump was the clear winner of Tuesday night’s debate. The left will complain about how President Trump constantly interrupted Biden but I honestly believe that resulted in one of his biggest wins of the evening. Rallying his base. At some point, we’ve all had the endure the torture of listening to some bloated liberal regurgitate proven Democrat lies with zero accountability and we’ve had enough of it. After having had to listen to it for almost four years and to have the President stand up, correct the lies and call out the hypocrisy as Biden was bumbling his answers was pure adrenaline to his base. Now contrast that with how many reenergized Biden supporters you’ve stumbled across today and when I say energized, I don’t mean angry and/or triggered. Setting your city on fire does not qualify as energizing your base. Some will say President Trump was a bully, but I would say he was commanding and forceful, while Biden came across as timid, weak, and occasionally confused. What I saw last night was the President taking charge. He shot down every lie that passed across Biden’s lips and that is what needed to happen. Was it pretty? No, of course it wasn’t but where has being cordial gotten us? Has trying to play fair and extending courtesies to the Democrat party resulted in any bipartisanship at all? What happened at last night’s debate should have happened a long time ago. America needs a President who is strong and is willing to stand up and fight, not just from external threats but to internal ones as well. America does not need, or want, a President who bows down to the mob out of fear. We’ve already done that and been there. We didn’t like it then; we don’t like it now and they don’t want to go back to it. If last night was any indication, I’d rather have President Trump, not Joe Biden, have to go up against Kim Jung Un, President Xi or any other foreign power. Of course, the mainstream media is calling President Trump a liar and it’s easier to lie about him being a liar when you’ve been lying about that for years already. The groundwork for that was laid a long time ago. Too bad the scrutiny doesn’t go both ways. Yes, Hunter Biden took $3.5 million from Russian oligarch with ties to Vladimir Putin and Biden lied when he said it was all discredited. It has not. Biden lied when he claimed that President Trump didn’t ask President Xi to allow U.S. investigators into China at the beginning of the coronavirus. Even the Washington Post debunked that. Yes, Biden lied when said he attended Delaware State University and then lied when he denied saying it. Yes, Biden did call African-Americans super predators. Perhaps instead of Joe Biden wasting his precious energy regurgitating false Democrat talking points, perhaps he would be better served using that energy to answer questions like if he was elected would he support packing the Court or ending the filibuster in the Senate? He answered neither question, and his reasoning was, “Whatever position I take on that, that will become the issue.” Yeah… and that’s exactly the point but the answer is obvious. If Biden said no that he did not support ending the filibuster or packing the court, his base would have been apoplectic. Democrats have been chomping at the bit to make this happen for a while now and they have not been quiet about it. Of course, the answer is yes, he supports it but to say so would be as detrimental to his campaign as releasing his list of SCOTUS picks. Or denouncing the Green New Deal. I don’t believe too many people’s minds, from either party, were changed last night. I do believe that most Americans already know who they are voting for at this point in the game. The biggest loser of the night was mediator, Chris Wallace. Not only did he lose his debate with President Trump, he perpetuated the same Charlottesville lie the Democrats continually spout about the “very fine people” hoax as if it were fact. Was the President presidential? It depends on what your definition of “presidential” is. A strong leader who will fight for you, someone who is submissive or someone who gets easily rattled and blurts out “Will you shut up man, ” and resorts to name calling. Now that’s not very presidential. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern Read More 990WBOB |