Allan Giberti Last week, in the admissions discrimination case against Harvard University, the US District Court ruled that Harvard University does not discriminate against Asian-Americans in its admission process. When did discrimination for the sake of diversity become acceptable? Judge Allison Burroughs was appointed by Barack Obama, so that answers that. In order for an Asian-American student to qualify for an invitation from Harvard to apply to the university, they need to score higher on their on their PSAT than their peers of other races. Harvard sends an application invitation to a white student who scores 1310 on the PSAT or higher. However, if you are an Asian-American female, you only get an invitation if you score 1350 or higher, and if you are an Asian-American male, you only qualify if you score 1380 or higher. Could you imagine if that was the same requirement was applied to African Americans? Good Lord, the backlash would be so bad and so swift that the university would have immediately changed the requirement, issued several apologies and sent all administrative staff to a mandatory 3-month long, immersive sensitivity reprogramming retreat. This is all so Harvard can present a “diverse” face. Judge Burroughs says that it would be impractical for Harvard to adopt a “race-neutral” admissions policy and that they would have to dramatically increase enrollment. It really isn’t that difficult. Our children are not working their butts off to get a degree from Woke University, they want a degree from Harvard. If you want a “race-neutral” admissions policy, then how about not even taking race into consideration? Simply invite only those who’ve scored the highest. Imagine if you were putting together a team to compete in some challenge and $1 million dollars was on the line. I’m pretty sure talent, not race, would be the deciding factor of who’d you pick to be on your team. Any decision based other than on how that person can help you win, is the wrong one, and you deserve to lose. Higher education should be the same way. It used to be. It used to be that we admitted that the best are the ones who go on to accomplish great things. That cultivating great thinkers and doers was the goal, Now, instead of setting the bar higher for everyone, we’re concerned that there are too many Asians. Too many Asians. So much for not judging someone on their race, huh? Sounds pretty racist to me. Instead of encouraging our children to dream bigger and strive harder, we are once again teaching them that despite who you are, it doesn’t matter because of what you are. Judge Burroughs did admit that the admissions process at Harvard is flawed and that individual acts of bias by admissions officers may be the problem of the racial disparities. The solution? Implicit bias training. Examining a person’s subconscious prejudices. I recommend that everyone grows the hell up. Those high-scoring Asian-American students will end up going to another less woke institution and probably will accomplish great things. It will reflect nicely on their alma maters, enticing others and so on. Meanwhile, institutions that peddle in virtue signaling and social justice will become average all in the name of diversity and remain absent in the quest for inclusivity. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays at 7pm and Tuesdays at 8pm. All times Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |