Allan Giberti As usual there is no shortage of news. There certainly is no shortage of outrage and hypocrisy, but I want to talk about something that I believe is related to almost all of it. Words. Language if you will. Everyone can agree that we are living in a very politically charged environment. But what does that actually mean? Politically charged? Politically, defined as of or relating to government or the conduct of government and charged which means capable of arousing strong emotions. So, we are living in a time of strong emotions relating to the conduct of the government. Sounds pretty boring and really kind of missing the mark, and that’s the problem. The changing and softening of our language to push an agenda, and it’s much more common and blatant now. Not too long ago, someone who came here illegally was referred to as an illegal alien. Illegal meaning not according to or authorized by law, and alien, meaning a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized and is still a subject or citizen of a foreign country. Now the left chooses to call them simply, migrants. A migrant is a person who moves around within a country. An immigrant is a person who moves from one country to another. For the sake of argument, let’s concede for the moment and say migrant means someone who changes his or her country of usual residence. So, what is the more accurate description of someone who lives here in the United States without having official, legal permission to do so? A. An illegal alien is a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized and is still a subject or citizen of a foreign country, and is not authorized by law to be here or, B. A migrant, someone who changed their country of usual residence. Well, obviously A. If you subscribe to the second choice you probably also define a “riot” as a demonstration. There’s another word they are attempting to redefine. But it’s blatant and it’s in your face. Defiant and ignorant, like arguing with a petulant child who is determined to get their way We all see it and they no longer care that you do. The meaning of words changes almost daily. It wasn’t at first, but it gets worse with every generation. The comedian, George Carlin, was amazing and insightful. I may not agree with some of the politics he held, but you have to give credit where it’s due. Yes, language changes and evolves over time, but that’s not what this it is. It's softening of language and changing of definitions to push an agenda that has brought us to where we are now. And it started with our children, there isn’t a better place to start. They go off for to get educated, to learn, to be indoctrinated for 8 hours a day. There was no better opportunity. Fast forward to today and now the State of RI wants to take control of the schools because they are so bad. Who does that make sense to? Probably only recent graduates, because the government has done such a wonderful job with our children so let’s just turn over all control. What could go wrong? It’s gone swimmingly so far, right? Because Gina has such a wonderful track record when it comes to the wellbeing of children here in the state of RI. Need I mention the children who have died in the care of RI DCYF or the extreme abortion/infanticide law Gina was chomping at the bit to sign? No, but I just did. George Carlin was right, not all children are special. Should I have to explain myself and say I’m not referring to the child as a whole? No, I shouldn’t, but again I just did. I’m sorry, but when you show me your child’s drawing that really isn’t that stellar, don’t expect me to mirror your pride because as far as I can tell by the drawing, your child thinks your family lives in a house that resembles a cow, the clouds are brown and the flowers in your garden are bigger than your cow house. Maybe that’s what the cow house eats? Why not? Stranger things have happened, like your child’s art project. When you get down to it, not every child is a winner. We have a generation teeming with weak, spineless soft individuals whose very existence is dependent on their feelings not getting hurt. Children raised on the failed idea that high self-esteem is all they need to succeed. Well, guess what? Wrong again and we were right. High self-esteem is in no way related to success or intelligence. In fact, I know quite a few unsuccessful dumb people who think very highly of themselves at the beginning of the month when their EBT benefits kick in. Now I’m not talking about the individuals who actually need EBT to survive, who are using it because they need it not because it’s there, but because it’s something they feel they’re entitled to. Public assistance is not a perk of sucking off the system. But there it is. The self-esteem movement started in the 70’s and turned out to be another failed politically correct social experiment aimed at our children, who suffered, and are still suffering because of it. Self-esteem comes from accomplishment, not from some overbearing parents handing you a trophy and telling you that you worked hard for it. Work hard, win, get a trophy. That’s the way it’s supposed to go. Every child is not a winner and that is a good thing. Now these children have grown up. Physically, but not emotionally or mentally. They never had to; they were never allowed to. And what is the end result? Dimwits like AOC who believe that feelings matter more than facts. Fast-forward to present day and now we have adults, like those who attended the Democrat Socialists of America Convention. If you haven’t seen the video, I strongly suggest you do. You can’t handle whispering because of sensory overload? What sensory overload? Too much stimulation from the environment? Your anxiety is triggered because of booing and hissing? No gender specific pronouns? People wonder why we have mass shootings. You can’t handle whispering or basic words? What exactly is an aggressive sent? My advice? Don’t take RIPTA in the summer comrades. How do you function in society? The simple answer is that they don’t. These are the people who should not have access to guns. The easily triggered. Ironic, isn’t it? Oh my, the booing and hissing. A word of advice sweetheart. If you can’t face the booing and hissing, get out of politics. In fact, let’s go pay your parents a visit because I have a few words for them for failing you as a child and leaving it to the rest of us adults to care for your sorry, whiny butt. Here’s another piece of advice for you, bucko, take your testicles out of your he/him purse and grow the hell up. This whole “politically charged climate”, a good deal of it falls squarely on the left’s shoulders. You raised these spoiled adult children.. Maybe it’s finally time for an honest-to-goodness timeout and a good talking to for these “adults,” even if they have the emotional range of a 4-year-old. A good dose of reality, that “no one really cares if your feelings are offended” is a good place to start. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays at 7pm and Tuesdays at 8pm. All times Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |