Kevin Aherne
We Americans love to complain about our taxes. We complain that they are too high, that the government is wasting our hard-earned money, and that we are subsidizing the laziness of our neighbors. But how many of us actually know where our money goes once we settle our tab with Uncle Sam? You hear people complaining about how welfare recipients are spending your hard-earned cash -- but did you know that the average taxpayer pays less than $40 annually to social welfare programs? On the other end of the spectrum, each taxpayer pays approximately $81 per year toward nuclear weapons, which haven't been used since 1945. In total, the average American taxpayer paid more than $3,000 to the military last year, or 27 percent of their total tax bill. If those raw data numbers don't work for you, check out our tool below. Just enter in your 2014 tax information below, and you will get a penny-by-penny breakdown of exactly how your money was spent. So next time you complain about your taxes, you will have factual information to back up your anger. Use our 2014 Taxpayer Receipt Tool below |