![]() -Pal Who is Ed Doyle? Yes he is the newest host to take to the 990WBOB airwaves. Yes he is a Democrat running for Rhode Island State Senate in District 43. Yes he is a defender of the constitution and particularly the 2nd Amendment . But who is Ed, the person. What makes Mr. Doyle tick, and why should we believe in him? I asked Ed these very questions, and I must admit, the man is inspiring. Ed Doyle was born and raised in Providence. As an infant Ed suffered with pneumonia many times, a few times of which the doctors said that it was critical. Each time he fought through and amazed the doctors. At the age of 13 Ed was attending Catholic school when his parents moved them all to Massachusetts because of the declining city of Providence. With only one sister the Doyle family was a close family all working together to keep a nice home and the bills paid. His Dad worked two jobs and his mom also worked a full time job so it as no surprise as a Freshman In High School Ed also took a part time job as a stock clerk in a local drug store to help out. In high school Ed was not happy being only a head or a geek or jock or a nerd. A mediocre student he enjoyed sports, theater arts, auto class and rock and roll. Science however was his passion as it showed in his grades. A little bit of everything though was the way to go. He also enjoyed running in the evenings with a close friend and on one night in July a drunk driver went off the road and hit Ed while he was running. Ed fought through once again as nothing could keep him down. The attitude was that there was nothing that he would allow to beat him. After high school he still did not have a direction. Ed's father being a 20 year Army veteran that served in both WWII and Korea suggested that he go into the service. Not being a family with a lot of money, college was never really pushed as an option. Working with your hands to earn an honest wage is what the family knew. Not sure if the military was the right choice, Ed made the decision to sign up for the Massachusetts Army National Guard. During his time in the MARNG, Ed was in the motor pool as a track diesel mechanic. The thought he had was that once he left he could get a job as a mechanic on trailer trucks. Unfortunately working on tanks and APC's didn't carry into the private sector. At one point during his service he applied to and passed all the tests and was accepted into the Massachusetts Military Academy. Giving a lot of thought to who he was, a dog faced infantry grunt rather than a shiny officer type he declined the acceptance. While still in the National Guard, Ed met his wife Sharon, a 90 pound, red haired girl that he fell in love with. Married at 21 they had their first of three sons a year later. Working hard as a receiving clerk, a shipping clerk and even a machine setup mechanic, Ed realized that his first son was headed to the same life that he had of hardly seeing his dad that worked all the time and a mom that had to work also. It was then that he enrolled in CCRI for a business management career. Ed progressed through his jobs as a customer service manager and even became the sports and special events manager with the LG Balfour Company. Two more sons were born to them and it was time to buckle down and make some serious decisions. Ed did well at whatever he needed to do but was still not happy with his choice. It was during that time at the LG Balfour Company that Ed was asked to lend a hand with the IT department installing the first PC's in the company. Ed found his passion. Back to school Ed received his education in Information Technology from Clark University. A year prior Ed and Sharon bought their first home and moved back to Rhode Island. Not one year after they bought their home, they lost it to a devastating fire from bad wiring in a wall. They lost everything they owned including their dog and two cats. With only the clothes on their backs they were faced with a decision to move back with family or fight through and rebuild. Ed chose the latter and while working full time during the day, he helped out in the cold of the January nights painting tar on the new foundation and pounding nails. They fought back hard and survived and built their new home on the same spot. Ed's wife Sharon had an allergic reaction to a medicine she was prescribed and developed Toxic Epidermal Narcosis Syndrome or T.E.N.S.. Rushed to the hospital Sharon worsened as the day progressed. Late in the day Ed was told that the survival rate of someone with T.E.N.S. was only 15% and with the extent of the damage she was not expected to live through the night. Ed later learned that throughout that evening Sharon had to be brought back to life six times through resuscitation. Sharon made it through that first night but was in a coma for 4 weeks. The doctors repeated not to expect the same person should she survive. Never giving up on his hope, on prayer and in the power of God Ed received a call four weeks later from the hospital and a couple of astonished doctors that she had come out of the coma and was alert and right on target. Her body was covered with scars, the same as a burn patient but knew everything that was going on with no visible signs of any brain or motor skill problems. Four more weeks in the hospital and Sharon came home to resume her life and her family. Ed became the Director of information Technology for a national television broadcast company. Still wanting to do a little something different Ed apprenticed and received his license as a tattoo artist and opened his own tattoo parlor with his wife and sons. Today Ed is the Director of Information Technology for a Providence based Manufacturing firm. It was after the New Town Tragedy that Ed became concerned with the path that law makers were taking that was becoming an infringement of American rights under the Second Amendment. Ed answered the call to become the Rhode Island Administrator of the nationally based Gun Right Across America. Fighting on the steps of the state house, inside the state house in front of the senate and in Philadelphia at a national rally it became apparent to Ed that his true calling was fighting for what was right for not only him and his family but for all families. Ed made a call to his State Representative Deborah Fellela to state his case for our rights and received several emails back from her. One email that was sent to him was the reason he decided to run for her seat in the General Assembly. In that email, Rep Fellela asked Ed, how he though she should vote and to help her to identify the good and the bad from the 9 bills that were in the General Assembly. Ed knew at that moment that he could do more for Rhode Island than she could ever imagine to do and decided to run for State Representative to replace her. Ed's dad was a very conservative ex-military man that held the Red White and Blue more important than his own existence. Always however a Democrat embracing the ideals of John F Kennedy. It was this mixture of conservatism, love for one's country and proponent for the rights of all people that molded Ed into who he is today. Still the attitude of nothing will beat him, Ed stands for the rights of every hard working man and woman and every person that wishes to become an American to share in the rights, freedoms and chances that only the USA can give. Through hard work, dedication and integrity however is the only way Ed believes that you earn those rights. Those that wish to give it away for free, change what it stands for or tries to alter the basis of the country face a fight from him like not seen since the Revolution. This article was edited and corrected on June 6, 2014