WildSide Professor Clyde![]() Tuesday I was in the town of Woonsocket ,why that town on that day because it was Woonsocket's election day. Woonsocket is on the verge of bankruptcy had a supplemental tax on real estate and motor vehicles and a 4-percent tax increase and a homestead exemption cut this is not a pretty picture for Woonsocket's taxpayers. Unemployment is around 11% higher than average and projected job growth in the minus category. According to the Washington Post 1/3 of Woonsocket residents are are some form of food stamps. Enough said you get the drift. So one would think a election for mayor and the future of the town would be a big deal of righting the ship and get the town back on it's feet. I talked to registered voters and was stunned how many did not exercise their right to vote. I heard " it makes no difference"-"they are all the same"-"who cares they do what they want anyways"-and the one that drives me nuts "my vote does not matter" my response is yes it does look at Obamacare. This is pathetic don't bitch about your taxes-lack of jobs-dropping real estate values,unions too strong and Government too big if you don't Freakin VOTE. The Providence Journal claimed only 27% of registered voters voted,that is less than the 1/3 collecting food stamps. |