Pal - [email protected]![]() Everyone enjoys sex, from puberty to the grave we all love the sweet physical pleasure and sometimes emotional gratification of good sweaty romp in the sheets. Yet in the age of national male enhancement pill TV advertisements, and grandpa popping his little blue pill, people are still shy when it comes to discussing intercourse. The topic of sex makes grown men blush and educated women giggle. It is the most taboo topic in most conversation circles. The irony here is although people hesitate to talk about sex themselves we all love to hear others tell their provocative affairs. 990WBOB is lucky to have a hostess who is not afraid to take the whispers away from the pillow to spread her titillating knowledge with you out over the airwaves. Supplying titillating topics while promoting sexual tolerance. Education, empowerment and growth. That is Raw Sex" - The Sexual Intellectual Alicia