State Representative Bobby Nardolillo, the Republican Candidate for US Senate next year, spoke out today on the terms being floated for public assistance to the management of the Pawtucket Red Sox. Executive and legislative leadership on Smith Hill, as well as the Pawtucket Mayor, are all pushing hard for the authorization to issue Moral Obligation Bonds in the matter. The proceeds would be used to put up taxpayer dollars for more than half of the construction costs of the proposed new minor league ball park.
"Moral Obligation Bonds." The Candidate mused. "Where have we heard that term before?" His reference, of course, is to the same funding mechanism that gave away tens of millions of taxpayer dollars in the 38 Studios mess. "Right now President Trump is trying to forge a deal for federal tax relief." Bobby pointed out. "That's because He sees the plight of the middle class taxpayer all across America. As a nation we have to lower our tax burden, not increase it more." Rep. Nardolillo sees a direct parallel between federal tax relief and the PawSox stadium proposal. "I see the plight of regular Rhode Islanders so I know there's no extra money in any of their budgets to grease the way of a deal like the new stadium."
Nardolillo noted the Bi-Partisan Effort in the US Senate to stop public financing for sports venues. "I wish Senator Whitehouse had enough feel for the dilemma most Rhode Islanders face today that he would sign on to the Booker-Lankford Bill." The Candidate said. In fact, Mr. Whitehouse has been a reliable voice for the liberal left position that the wealthiest of businesses should not receive tax breaks. So it is ironic that the incumbent hasn't uttered a word in the defense of his constituents in this matter. "The proposed stadium deal is a huge tax break for PawSox Management." Bobby noted. "Are the economic conditions so bad here in the Ocean State that this is the only way a new ballpark can be built for one of the most profitable AAA Teams?" He asked. "If so, it sounds like it's a bad deal for the PawSox, and I know it's a bad deal for the public." Bobby Nardolillo wants to know why state government insiders are pushing so hard for it, and why Sen. Whitehouse is ignoring the danger signals on this matter so aggressively.
"If Democrat Sen. Corey Booker (NJ) and Republican Sen. Steve Lankford (OK) can build a bi-partisan consensus on this issue in Washington, why can't we do the same here in Little Rhody?" Nardolillo asked? Bobby Nardolillo is a working Rhode Islander, born and bred, who is taking time out to run for the US Senate because of his conviction that government at all levels has failed its taxpaying constituents. He intends to build on his two terms in the General Assembly to bring both legislative experience and new blood to Washington, DC. Follow his campaign on the web at, or on Facebook at 'Bobby 4 Senate 2018.' Read More WBOB |