![]() President Obama releases a statement Friday in regards to Sacramento CA mayor Kevin Johnson and his new task force. His Statement Read: I thank Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson and the U.S. Conference of Mayors for their action today to establish a Mayors Task Force dedicated to the “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative. “My Brother’s Keeper" is an all-hands-on-deck effort to make sure every young person – especially boys and young men of color – can reach their potential. Through this task force, mayors will work to expand universal early childhood programs, promote public-private partnerships that help create more summer jobs, increase and build on existing mentorship programs, and eliminate suspensions and expulsions in preschool and other early learning settings. I commend these mayors, representing cities across the nation, for making these issues a priority in their communities, and I look forward to working with them to expand opportunity and improve the odds for every child in America.