Allan Giberti It’s that very special, rainbow-licious time that only comes along once every four years. It’s Gay Pride month during an election year, the Democrat spin is in overdrive and the pandering is well underway. The Democrat party, the self-appointed saviors and protectors of yet another demographic, the LGBT community. No thank you and I’ll tell you why. Members of the LGBT community (and any other minority group the Democrats claim to champion) should be asking themselves, at the very least, two questions. First, why is it that after decades of Democrats leading the equality charge and eight glorious years of Obama and Biden, why are we still “victims”? Secondly, why do we need or even want someone who’s support for gay/civil/equal rights has been anything but supportive, to speak for us. On Monday Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, unveiled his campaign’s LGBTQ steering committee made up of over 30 members, called “Out for Biden.” Finally, some truth in politics because the only thing the Democrat party is really looking out for is getting Biden elected President. Who cares if it comes at the expense of yet another group’s struggle for equality by purposely misleading them? It’s worked to the Democrat’s advantage for generations so if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right? Just how woke is “Out for Biden”? Well, one of those 30 members of that steering committee is none other than Rhode Island’s own Congressman David Cicilline. The same Congressman Cicilline who’s sponsored multiple civil rights killing gun ban bills and the ever-inequitable Equality Act. It’s pandering, deceit and oppression in the guise of equality, social justice and inclusiveness. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Biden has been trying to make himself as having been some kind of champion for the LGBT community. Surely you see the twisting of the truth and the hypocrisy, right? Check out his record, man. On September 24, 1973, then Senator Biden, held a meeting with members of the North Star Civic Association to discuss several topics, one of which was the U.S. Civil Service’s “anti-homosexual” employment regulations. If you were a homosexual, you could not work for the federal government. When Biden was asked what he thought of gay federal employees he said, "My gut reaction is that they (homosexuals) are security risks, but I must admit I haven't given this much thought … I'll be darned." The belief that gays and lesbians were considered security threats stemmed from an era that began in the 1940’s known as “The Lavender Scare.” Apparently, homosexuals were considered security threats because they were more vulnerable to be blackmailed even though not one case of extortion exists. We were also considered to be easily manipulated and communist sympathizers. How’s that for LGBT support? While the Biden campaign loves to spout on how under the Obama-Biden Administration, the United States made “… historic strides toward LGBTQ+ equality—from the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT)…'' in 2010, they fail to tell you that in 1993 Joe Biden voted in favor of DADT. They must have also felt it unnecessary to remind people that DADT was another brilliant Democrat idea brought to you by President Bill Clinton. Everyone give thanks to the Democrats for liberating you after oppressing you. Is it me or have I seen that bs liberal tactic used before? Then the campaign website goes on about “…Biden’s historic declaration in support of marriage equality on Meet the Press in 2012…” First of all, in 1996 Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act. You know, the thing that legally defined marriage as between a man and a woman, allowed states not to recognize same-sex marriages and deny same-sex couples’ claim to federal benefits? Yea, Joe Biden voted for that. Then in 2007, Biden stated that he supported civil unions but not same-sex marriages because defining marriage isn't the government's responsibility. In order to understand what Biden’s historic 2012 declaration really means; you need some clarification to put it into its correct context. Despite what you may think, President Obama wasn’t always the great the gay rights champion many like to portray him as. Back in 2007, the LOGO network televised a forum on LGBT rights featuring six of the 2008 Democrat presidential candidates. One of those candidates was Barack Obama who said that as an African-American, he understands the importance of equality under the law. He then went on to say that he doesn’t support same-sex marriage, he supports civil unions instead. How does that even come close to equality? We’re the same but not really… Here’s another piece of history you may have been sheltered from. Hillary Clinton, the champion of no one ever, also believed that marriage was defined as being between a man and a woman. Funny how no one talks about that either. Wonder why? Even as recently as December of 2010 during White House news conference, Obama said, “… respect to the issue of whether gays and lesbians should be able to get married… My feelings about this are constantly evolving. I struggle with this… my baseline is a strong civil union that provides them the protections and the legal rights that married couples have. But I recognize that, from their perspective, it is not enough. And I think this is something that we’re going to continue to debate, and I personally am going to continue to wrestle with going forward.” Sadly, the truth is that support for gay marriage was more of a political struggle than anything for Obama. As the topic of gay marriage intensified, some states readied to pass laws banning gay marriage while its supporters want President Obama to clarify previous statements on the matter. It was then in 2012 during an interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press, when then Vice President Joe Biden apparently gave his historic declaration, an official endorsement in favor or gay marriage. That is until a spokesperson from Biden’s office denied the VP’s remarks as an endorsement of same-sex marriage, “The vice president was saying what the president has said previously—that committed and loving same-sex couples deserve the same rights and protections enjoyed by all Americans, and that we oppose any effort to rollback those rights. That’s why we stopped defending the constitutionality of section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act in legal challenges and support legislation to repeal it. Beyond that, the Vice President was expressing that he too is evolving on the issue, after meeting so many committed couples and families in this country.” In what twisted reality do you take credit for a statement you previously walked back and then show it off as an achievement? Even Chuck Todd tweeted out, “Biden's office tells me he was speaking for his own evolving on marriage not for the admin.” In the end, it was just another Biden gaffe that pushed Obama into suddenly supporting the legalization of gay marriage. Kind of makes it a little less special doesn’t it? Now, this less than stellar champion to the plights of the LGBT community has assembled a team and aligned himself with the likes of Congressman David Cicilline whose latest social justice claim to fame is the Equality Act which does nothing but destroy every American’s civil rights and divide us even further. If you don’t believe me have a listen or wait until my next article. Lastly, one of the points made on Biden’s LGBT page is, “Over the years, Biden has championed more than a dozen bills around hate crime prevention efforts…” and Joe is promising to create even more hate crime acts. Perfect, just what we need. More useless laws that criminals don’t follow, whose only purpose is to provide minority groups with a false sense of security. It’s nothing but more pandering from the left. If hate crime laws really worked, then why do we have so many hate crimes? If you really cared about the safety of any member of any marginalized community you wouldn’t be teaming up with the likes of Cicilline to take away our AR-14’s Wake up folks, the Democrat party is not your champion. They never have been and they never will be. Despite what they believe, they do not own your vote. If you are a member of the LGBT community, you do not have to vote Democrat because when you think about it, people like Joe Biden have been voting against us for a while. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |