Once again, the People Eating Tasty Animals, I mean, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) created another gore fest to get their message across. This time, it’s in the form of a Flash game to commemorate the recent release of the latest Pokemon video game. It’s called Pokemon Black and Blue, a short propaganda game where you play as abused Pokemon breaking free from their abusive trainers and teaching them the error of their ways. PETA wants to teach the kids about the horror of abused animals, and what better way to that than to make a Flash game using characters and creatures from a popular video game for young kids, and making them look bloody and mutilated. PETA certainly feels that Pokemon is all about stuffing creatures in little balls, using them for battle, and exploiting them in beauty contests; and that it’s sending the wrong message to our youth. First off, the whole idea of catching Pokemon was an inspiration from the creator when he used to catch beetles as a kid. (I guess that made him a sick and twisted kid). Last I checked, I don’t think playing Pokemon made Michael Vick want to host dog fights. The game’s message is more along the lines of raising and loving your creatures and being the best trainer. Even in the popular cartoon series, the lead character is best friends with his Pikachu, and it even lives outside its ball. Nintendo games have not been known to inspire violence in people. An Italian plumber stomping on turtles to save a princess? Why that sounds more silly than violent. I understand that the mistreatment of animals can be violent and graphic. But seriously, PETA, stop supporting fictional terrorist organizations and making good video games look bloody and silly in your flash games for your little propaganda machine. For the love of God, you made one character where a coat made from the faces and fur of Pokemon! It’s like some sort of sick, cartoon version of Buffalo Bill. - "Demon" Matt Little