Harry Garofolo - [email protected] This Week On Hash Tag Harry's Tag of The Week #LieOfTheYear When the gracious staff at 990WBOB offered me this writing position I had not a clue that it would lead me into writing about politics. By my own admission I am blissfully ignorant on most of the goings on in the political realm. However much like any area of study, the key is the ability to absorb the information. If one finds a subject such as politics to be boring or depressing (as is the case for myself) it will be difficult for them to compile the knowledge to speak intelligently on that subject. Then came the invention of social media. My so called area of expertise. Social media has made information readily available in small snippets for today's fast paced reality. That is exactly why the editors at 990WBOB asked me, to bring to you my Hash Tags of the Week. This week I chose the #LieOfTheYear started by PolitiFact. I must admit this was an easy choice. If there are two things people like to complain about today, they are Obama and Obamacare.
This Week's Tweets of The Week - #LieOfTheYear