![]() Ed Doyle The big story this week folks, is the so-called Prisoner swap of the TOP five Al-Qaeda terrorists for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. These weren’t your run of the mill Ali bin daba laba yayayaya bomb strapped to their gonads terrorists, but THE top five slime balls of the organization. White House Press Secretary and front side show barker Jay Carney on Monday defended the president's decision to green-light the controversial trade saying, and I quote, "It was the judgment of the team and the president that there was enough urgency here to ensure that Sergeant Bergdahl was safely recovered”. Now wait a minute because I am REALLY pissed here as I am sure I can feel the blood boiling from across the country when I say WAIT ONE DAM MINUTE! "It was the judgment of the team and the president that there was enough urgency here to ensure that Sergeant Bergdahl was safely recovered." AND IT WASN'T ENOUGH OF AN URGENCY TO SAVE FOUR AMERICAN LIVES IN Benghazi? This freaking stinks and everyone knows it! Our Dismantler in Chief BROKE THE LAW! Plain and simple! Now they are going to try to put a spin on it and make it look like they did this because they cared about one army sergeant? THE SAME ARMY SERGEANT that went AWOL walking through the desert one night and got 6 of his team killed when they went looking for him? Why didn't you just send in a team to rescue him? You keep telling us how great you were for finding Bin Laden but this was the only way you could get this man back? By releasing the top terrorists in the world BACK on the world? YOU MARK MY WORDS PEOPLE! We are going to see an incredible act of terror again now with these pigs free and you will have nobody to blame for it except Barack Hussein Ali BABBA Obama himself, And what will our heroes in congress and the senate do? NOTHING! Obama clearly, no fringe gray area here, HE BROKE THE LAW and not a gosh darn thing will be done about it! I am sick to my stomach. We have to take a break here folks to hear from our sponsors and give me the opportunity to vomit. We’ll be right back. Stay tuned in. Now here is some more on why this stinks like week old garbage… A senior Pentagon official stated that many within the intelligence community harbor serious outstanding concerns not only that Bergdahl may have been a deserter but that he may have been an active collaborator with the enemy. This weekend the president stood alongside Bergdahl's father in a press release to support him, even though the father's has a HISTORY of controversial statements, emails and online posts saying he would do everything in his power to free all of the Al Qaeda prisoners. PEOPLE ARE YOU BLIND! Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter and I would not be one bit surprised if the investigation is allowed to proceed that we will find out that he was aiding the enemy! How many of you listening to me right now even ever HEARD the names of the men that were killed looking for him? Well we owe it to those soldiers to make it known! Those heroes were 2nd Lt. Daryn Andrews, Staff Sgt. Clayton Bowen, Staff Sgt. Kurt Curtiss, Pfc. Matthew Martinek, Staff Sgt. Michael Murphy and Pfc. Morris Walker. And what does the administration say about them? Well let me read you the quote... “it's impossible" to confirm right now whether anybody's death was directly linked to the hunt for Bergdahl, but the Pentagon will look further into the circumstances of the deaths being associated with the search, he said.” Well isn't that just peachy! Army officer, Nathan Bradley Bethea says he served in the same unit as Bergdahl -- the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment -- which lost the six soldiers in the roughly five-week search after he disappeared. "For five years, soldiers have been forced to stay silent about the disappearance and search for Bergdahl," said Bethea, who said he participated in the searches. "Now we can tell our story." Yes you can sir but the crying shame is that the government you served will do everything in their power to discredit and silence you. God Save the USA! |